Do you have questions about eInsight BI reporting? Find the answers you're looking for in our frequently asked questions, and/or the video below.
FAQ - Questions and Answers
How do I change the time period shown in the reports?
The relative date slicer is located on the top righthand side of the report and includes several options to view results by relative time period. All time period options are available when editing or creating a report.
How does the Comparison Period option work?
Previous Period compares results against the same contiguous relative time period selected. For example, selecting Last 15 Days and Previous Period would compare the last 15 days against the 15 days that came immediately before it. Year - 1 and Year - 2 compare against the same relative time period selected one or two years ago.
Can this report be customized?
The standard reports cannot be modified; however, you are welcome to make a copy of the report by selecting 'Edit Report' from the File Menu that appears on the top left, then selecting 'Save As' and giving it a new name. Please keep in mind that report names must be unique.
How do I reset all my filter options?
Select the recycle icon on the top righthand side of the dashboard to reset all options to default.
How detailed is the data included?
Results are summarized to the day or month, and do not include individual detail records. Depending on the metric in question, additional groupings are available in the dataset.
Where can I see the definitions and calculations for all values in this report?
All definitions and calculations are available in the Definitions tab of every report.
How can I export the dashboard?
Select the Print option at the top of the application and Print to PDF. The dashboards incorporate a visual design, however all the summarized underlying data is available in the dataset to create whatever tables or views you need.
Where can I see my filter options?
Each report includes a pop-out filter panel that can be accessed by clicking the icon on the top lefthand side of the report next to the report title.
How long do I stay logged in for?
After 30 minutes of inactivity the authentication will expire. You may see that reports do not load. Please refresh the page and login again.
How do I know when the last update to the dataset was?
Each report includes a pop-out filter panel that can be accessed by clicking the icon on the top lefthand side of the report next to the report title. The Last Refreshed timestamp will be displayed there in UTC.
What do I have access to in the reports and dataset, and how can I change what I can see?
Permissions for the datasets and reports are based on the properties your CRM account has access to see. If you do not have access to the property in the CRM, you will not have access in the dataset or reports.
I want to view the data behind a visual as a table and focus on one part of a dashboard. How can I accomplish that?
Supported visuals have an additional set of actions available on mouse over, including 'Focus Mode' and 'Show as Table'. These functions will allow you to expand a single visual to full screen and/or view the data as a table which can then be exported.
Certain groupings in the Data Explorer are coming up as 'None' or 'Undefined'. Why is that?
The Data Explorer returns results as subsets of all the other options and groupings selected. It's possible to get down to a specific enough level that one of the groupings returns limited or no results because the combination of options selected does not have that information.
How often are campaign metrics calculated and how often do they update?
Results are refreshed once a day and continue to be calculated for 60 days. Depending on when the campaign was sent and when the data is refreshed, it may take up to 2 days for campaign delivery statistics and 3 days for campaign revenue statistics to become available for a new campaign.
What does the Sync Booking Property filter do?
Campaigns results are filtered by property based on the property that sent the campaign. Additionally, campaign bookings are filtered by property. The Sync Booking Property makes it so that you only see campaign bookings for the property that sent the campaign.
Which currencies are supported in the Campaign Revenue reporting?
The three currency options supported today are Corporate, Property and USD.
How do we exclude transactional campaigns in reporting?
Select the slicer panel icon on the top left of the report and set the 'Is Transactional' filter to 'No'. Selecting 'Yes' for that filter will include transactional campaigns.
How is Campaigns Sent calculated?
The dataset supports counting both Campaigns and Sub Campaigns. The Campaigns Sent in the dashboard is a count of all Sub Campaigns sent in the selected time period.
The Unique counts do not have a date available in the dataset. Why is that?
The calculation for unique values does not group by activity date (i.e. Click Date, Open Date), as grouping by activity date would cause the results to be counted more than once if there is more than one event. The Campaign Send Date should be used with these values to understand when the activity happened.
How are bookings attributed to campaign?
Campaign bookings are attributed based on last touch, based on email opens. Additional options to further refine the campaign revenue allow users to exclude no clicks, exclude same day arrivals, define attribution window, and further limit results by Rate Type, Source of Business, Market Segment and Subsegment, Recipient Email Domain, and Channel.
Which metrics support color coding by Cendyn Benchmarks?
Delivery Rate, Open Rate, Click Through Rate, Bounce Rate, and Opt Out Rate are the currently supported metrics.
Which reports include additional drilldown views?
The Revenue dashboard drilldown from property to campaign. The Campaign clicks dashboard drills down to URL. The Bounce dashboard drills down to hard and soft bounce. You can use the context menu on mouseover at the top of a visual or right click a table and select 'Drilldown' if the option is available.
How are opt outs counted in this dataset?
We only consider the first instance of a customer showing up in the Opt Out table. If multiple requests are received, it will still only be counted once.
How does the color coding the the Campaign Performance and Revenue dashboards work?
Default color gradient is relative to the results displayed, while the benchmark view is relative to Cendyn Benchmarks pulled from the existing Benchmarking report.
What do the color bars mean on the Benchmarking view?
Each bar represents an individual day in the last 30 days and is color coded based on how the metric performed that day relative to Cendyn benchmarks.
What groupings are available to investigate Opens, Clicks, and Revenue?
The Opens, Clicks, and Revenue views support viewing results by Campaign Name, Campaign Subject, From Email, and Domain Name.
Where can I see the detail of campaign activities by individual recipient?
The home page of eInsight allows users to export the sent, delivered, opened, unique opened, clicked, bounced, and unsubscribed lists of any campaign.
How are profiles and unique profiles counted and what is the date based on?
Profiles counts represent the total number of customer records including duplicate emails while unique profiles are a distinct count of customer email addresses. The date used is the date the record was inserted in the Cendyn database and was made available in the CRM.
How are profiles tied to properties?
Profiles from PMS data sources are tied back to the property associated with the PMS they were imported from. Non-PMS profiles are tied to the property associated with their data source mapping.
Which demographic capture rates by property are available?
The Demographic Analysis view provides this information. By default, it will show you the total profiles and the distribution of profiles by property. Additional options include Address (Address1 Line), City, Country, State, Zip, Phone Number, Email, Email and Address (Email + Address1 both present), First Name, Last Name, Gender.
The report is shown in USD. Are there any other currencies available and how do I select them?
By default, the report is configured to return results converted to USD as of the date the values were imported into the database. The Stay Analysis datasets and reports support converting on the fly based on the Booking Date if it is available, otherwise the Stay Date is used.
Which Currencies are supported in the Stay Analysis reporting?
The currencies supported are based on the configured currencies at the property level. If at least one property is configured for a given currency, then that conversion is made available to all. Currency conversion is subject to change and fluctuates on a day-by-day basis.
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