Release notes - January 27, 2023
To help you work more efficiently and use PriorityQ to its fullest, you'll now be able to easily view important delivery data about your email sends, including when they are being delivered to guests or if they failed to deliver and the reason why.
The other enhancement we're releasing will enable customers with multiple properties to upload their property data in one go rather than once per property. This will come in handy when multiple properties need to make a bulk update to their existing data.
These enhancements will be deployed on January 31, 2023, beginning at 8:00 PM ET. Minimal downtime is expected. Read on to learn more.
PriorityQ Delivery Details
We've added new delivery details to the Status pop over for the emails you send manually from Priority Q! You will no longer need to check with Cendyn Support or reach out to the guest to confirm if the email was successfully delivered.
Pending Delivered Status
When the email is first sent, or the delivery details have yet to return, the email will appear in the Sent and All tabs. Hover your mouse over the Status column to view the Status Details. The Delivered row will show as Pending.
Successfully Delivered Emails
When the delivery details are returned for a successfully delivered email, the Delivered status will update in the Sent and All tabs to show the date and time the email was delivered. It will also be displayed on the Home screen.
Failed Emails Show on Failed Tab
If the email delivery failed, the status will change to Failed and the email will now only appear in the new Failed tab (and the Home screen). This tab will help you quickly find reservations and emails that were not delivered successfully, making it convenient to resend them to different or updated email addresses.
When you hover your mouse over the Status column in the Failed tab, the pop over will reflect the reason the email failed to send, in addition to when the email was sent and by whom, and which campaign it was within.
Delivery Status on Manual Resends
In addition to the updates for PriorityQ, the Delivery Status will now accurately display for manual resends sent via the Home page or Profile > Campaign History page. If the email was delivered, it will show 'Y' in the Delivered column on the home page and conversely, if the email was not delivered, it will show 'N.' You can look up the guest in the ALL tab within PriorityQ to view delivery details as desired.
Multi-Property Data Dictionary Upload
We're adding a Property Code field to the data dictionary upload template, enabling you to complete and upload just one file with all necessary data points for multiple properties. One simple upload will now expedite the process when multiple properties need to bulk update their existing data.
Check out the Data Dictionary Upload Guide for more information.
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