There are five menu options in the Opportunities module, create opportunities, view opportunities, import opportunities, recently viewed, and favorites.
Create Opportunities
When there is a qualified sales potential and you are ready to bring that opportunity into your sales pipeline, hover over Opportunities then select Create Opportunities.
To create opportunities, the fields with an asterisk (opportunity name, account name, expected close date, and sales stage) are the minimum required fields. The more data entered in the opportunity; the best informed the sales team is to move that opportunity through the sales process.
Sales stages are custom to each implementation of eInsight Sales.
At the bottom, you can edit/change the details of who the opportunity is assigned to.
View Opportunities
To view existing opportunity records, hover over Opportunities then select View Opportunities.
You have 8 filter options to use any combination of filters to narrow down your search.
When you view an opportunity, you have the ability to edit information. Select edit then modify the fields you wish to make changes to.
Find Duplicates
When you are viewing an opportunity, you can search for any duplicated opportunities. To search for duplicate opportunities, select Action then select Find Duplicates.
From the list of Available Fields (1), select a field to search for duplicates in all Opportunities. Select any field and the arrow button (6) moves that field name to the right of the screen under Filter Condition (2). If you wanted to remove a filter condition, select the trash icon to remove it. Next to the filter condition (3), click the drop-down arrow to display a list of available filter conditions such as Contains, Equals, etc. (4). Lastly, enter the value in the last field that you intend to search for duplicates. Repeat these steps for any other available fields. Finally, select the Next Step button to display the list of Opportunities that have the same values in the fields you selected.
The fewer filters you select, the broader the search, and the greater the list of results. Likewise, the more filters, the more refined the search, the fewer list of results.
Import Opportunities
To import existing opportunities, perhaps from another system, hover over Opportunities then select Import Opportunities.
Select Download Import File Template.
Complete the template as directed by the notes in the template. Save template as CSV file.
Upload saved template file. Select Choose File. Determine and select how you would like to import the data, create new records only or create new records and update existing records, then select next.
Recently Viewed
You have the ability to see the opportunities recently viewed or worked on. To view these opportunities, hover over Opportunities and then hover over Recently Viewed. The recently viewed opportunities will expand. You can select the opportunity you want to access from here.
You can mark an opportunity as a favorite by selecting the star next to the opportunity name on the record. To access the favorite menu tab, hover over Opportunities and then hover over Favorites. The opportunities you have marked as favorites will display.
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