A lead is an individual interested in one of your B2B products - in other words a potential new customer. Leads are unqualified contacts, for example it could be a person you have met at a conference or who has filled out a form on your website. You will need to find out the lead's needs, such as how often the lead or their company travels, where are they travelling to, and do they need a conference room. You will collect and enter all information gathered from the lead into eInsight Sales.
Once you've acquired enough information and determine you are able to meet their needs, the lead is qualified. A qualified lead can converted into a contact, account and/or opportunity whereas
- Contact is the individual you are having your sales conversations with
- Account is the company or travel agent the individual works at
- Opportunity is the specific deal you are going to offer them
Converting a Lead into a Contact
To convert a lead, in the lead's profile, select Actions > Convert Lead
In order to convert the lead into a contact, ensure the checkbox "Create Contact OR Select Contact" is ticked. You can choose to convert this lead as a new contact, or if the contact already exists then you can select the existing lead by selected the arrow icon and search for the lead. Typically, a lead would not be an existing contact.
The information in the lead's profile will copy over to the contact profile where you can edit or add information inserted in the fields.
Converting a Lead into an Account
To create an account from a converted, the process is the same as with contact creation. Ensure the checkbox "Create Account OR Select Account" is ticked and decide whether a new account should be created or an existing account updated. Again, some fields will be filled from the lead, the rest can be manually inserted.
Converting a Lead into an Opportunity and Other Conversion Options
You have additional options to create other items, such as opportunity, create a note, log a call, schedule a meeting and create a task. Once you select one of these options, it will expand and then you can add information into that section. This help eliminate having to manually go to each module to create an item and link it to the contact.
Once everything is created, then you can select save. You will see all the newly created items. If you want to edit any of the newly created items, you can right click to open and make your edits.
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