This article describes how to build and view organizational hierarchies of B2B accounts with eInsight Sales. In eInsight Sales, as you are working with travel agents, corporations and companies you may be working with a number of subsidiaries or branch offices. Each subsidiary has different travel needs and may need to manage each account separately even though they roll up to one master corporation.
With eInsight Sales, you can link your B2B accounts hierarchically and therebey determine master
accounts, parent accounts, and sub accounts. We distinguish between
- Master accounts – this is the highest account in the corporate hierarchy. You can link
unlimited levels of sub accounts to a master, but there can only be one master for each
corporation. - Parent accounts – parent accounts are branch offices or subsidiaries that are linked to
a master account, yet have in turn further sub accounts linked to them. eInsight Sales
allows for unlimited levels of parent accounts. - Sub accounts – sub accounts are branch offices or subsidiaries linked to a master
account or parent account. They form the base level in the corporate hierarchy. If you
link a sub account to another sub account, hereby creating a new level, the former sub account turns into a parent account. - Standalone accounts – standlone accounts are not part of any organizational hierarchy, they don't have a parent or a sub account associated with them.
All hierarchies are based on a parent-child relationship between accounts. The account hierarchy in eInsight Sales starts with a master account. Within the master account, there will be one or more children accounts. These children accounts are either sub account or parent account with their own children accounts - which again can be either sub accounts or parents and so forth. In the accounts overview list badges next to the account name indicate whether an account in the list is a Master, Parent, Sub Account or a Standalone account (in this case, no badge is displayed at all):
Create Account Hierarchy
In eInsight Sales, hierarchies are based on a parent-child structure and can be built up by adding a parent to a B2B account. Here are the steps to assign an account to a master or a parent account:
- Select the account and open the account overview page
- Go to the "Member of" field
- Search the account that should become the parent
Type in the name of the parent account in the "Member of" field:
The system will automatically start searching the account list once you start typing and propose results that can be selected from a dropdown. Alternatively, you can click on the arrow on the top right to open a search window in a pop-up enabling you to use filters for a more granular search:
4. Select the parent account by clicking on its name
It is now inserted in the "Member of" field:
5. Don't forget to save your changes by clicking "Save" on top right
View Account Hierarchy
In viewing the hierarchical structure for a specific account, you have the option to view it through the badge selection, or account name selection.
View Hierarchy Through Badge Selection
This option is ideal when you want to search and have a quick overview of the hierarchy of accounts.
- To search the account: Select Filter. Type in the account name in the account name search field. Select Search.
- Select a badge on the account name to view the overall hierarchy
Clicking the badge will open a popup. In this quick view, you will see the organizational hierarchy the selected account is embedded in and where in the hierarchy it is located. The selected account is highlighted in bold so it can be easily spotted.
On the top-level of the hierarchical overview you can see the master account. The first level underneath the master is visually intended and consists of sub accounts and parents. In case of parents, the corresponding sub accounts are displayed in the 2nd hierarchy level underneath and further intended. In the below example, we have 3 accounts organized directly under the master, two of them are parent accounts with their own sub accounts.
Sub accounts can be located directly below the master (i.e. Universal Travel) or at any other hierarchy level below other sub accounts (which then become parent accounts).
View Account Hierarch Through Master or Parent Account Name Selection
This option is ideal when you want to view the details within the hierarchy accounts.
- To search the account: Select filter. Type in the account name in the account name search field. Select Search.
- Select the name of the master or parent account.
When viewing the master or parent account, the badge will be listed next to the account's name.
- By clicking on the the badge, you will be brought to the sub panels
- Select Sub Accounts to open the sub panel and all the sub accounts will be displayed at the bottom. This view displays all sub accounts organized directly underneath the selected account. To view the sub accounts to the parent account go to the next section in this article, view sub accounts.
In this location, you will not see a full organizational overview with all hiearchy levels including all master, parent and sub accounts. This view is focusing on the hierarchy level which is directly below the selected account.
View Sub Accounts
This method is when you are in the parent account and want to know the parent's sub account.
- When viewing the master account, in the subpanels select sub accounts to expand sub accounts and then select the parent account you want to view.
- In the Parent Account, the Parent badge will display next to the account name. Select the parent badge and it will bring you to the sub panels.
- Select sub account to expand the sub accounts. These are the sub accounts within this parent account.
You can select the Parent Account when the search is pulled up and skip the step of selecting the Master Account and then selecting the parent's account in the sub panels.
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