Discount Code also known as Voucher Code is to provide discounts to guests as per their Booking dates or Check-in dates, when they make bookings.
Navigate to: Marketing> Voucher Code.
- Enter the name of the Discount Code.
- Select whether the discount is applicable on Booking/ Check-in dates and enter the date ranges.
- Select the discount type as General/Voucher Code/Promo Code accordingly.
- Either search for results or clear to redo.
- Select Add to Create New Discount Codes.
- Enter Discount name, Code Name and Discount Variance.
- Select the Discount Type, Discount Value, Status and Applicable Dates accordingly.
- Select applicable dates and usage as once/multiple/once per user accordingly.
- Select whether the discount code is applicable to IBE Level/Selected Hotels/Rate Rule of selected Hotels.
- Either click on Add to create new discount code or reset to redo.
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