The Events Calendar module is great for highlighting area events and positioning the property as the hero of the destination.
You can create single events, create reoccurring events, create categories for all types of events and share events between properties.
Viewing or Editing Events
- Select Events Calendar from the CMS dashboard.
- The Events Calendar Dashboard opens with the Calendar Events tab on top, followed by the Categories and Page Attributes tabs.
The Calendar Events tab displays the available offers by event name, event category, start and end dates, URL, and whether or not the event has been shared from another property.
For each event, you have a set of action items on the right with the following options from left to right:
- Publish/Unpublish: Deactivate an event by using the slider. This removes the event from the front end, i.e. it is not longer displayed. All the details remain in the system, and it can be quickly reactivated again.
- Favorite: The Favorite option can be used differently depending on the specifics of the project and the design.
- Edit: Edit the event details, see below. Either select the action item or click the Event Name.
- Delete: This removes the property including all details from the system.
- Share: This allows the event to be shared to another property.
Under the Categories tab, you can create categories for your event to organize the calendar better. For example, you may choose to have a category for local events, events specific to a restaurant, night-time events, or pool events.
If you have added the Events Calendar to your site by using New Calendar Page, you can update the copy or the images for the calendar page under Page Attributes in this module.
Creating or Editing an Event
- In the Events Calendar Dashboard select the event name to edit, or to create new select Create Event.
- Fill in the applicable event information.
- Primary Heading: Name of the Event.
- Secondary Heading: Optional.
- Start Date: Start date for the event.
- No End Date: Checked by default. Uncheck this to enter an end date for the event.
- Start Time/End Time: Start and end times for the event, if applicable.
- Recurrence pattern: Set recurrence pattern to “Daily”, “Weekly”, “Monthly” or “Yearly”. If the event does not reoccur, select None. Each pattern has additional options once selected. Exceptions can be allowed or denied for specific dates.
Be aware that if a reoccurring event does not have an end date it will continue to show on the calendar indefinitely.
You can work your way through the editing process by clicking one tab option after the other and entering information as applicable, including Copy, Images, and Categories.
- Copy tab: Provide short blurb about event in “Short Description”, and a more detailed description in the main content area.
- Images tab: Add a thumbnail image for the event.
- Categories tab: If using categories, select the category here.
Adding the Events Calendar to Site
The Events Calendar can be added to your site in two different ways within the Pages module: by using New Calendar Page or adding to an existing page via widget.
To add via New Calendar Page:
- Navigate to the Page Module and select New Calendar Page.
- Enter the Navigation Title, this is the page name, and any other applicable information. If you wish to include only a single category on this map you can select it via the Calendar Category drop down.
If you use New Calendar Page to add an Events Calendar, the image and copy on the page after creation is managed with the Events Calendar module, not the Page module.
To add the calendar to an existing page:
- Navigate to the Pages module and select the page you want to add the Event Calendar to.
- Within the Content tab, use the WYSIWYG editor to Insert Widget.
- Select the Events widget and choose action/template based on site design. You can use the Categories field to select specific event categories to display. If you would like to display all event Categories, leave this field blank.
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