Click on Create Segmentation to create the new segments. Read this article if you want to know how to create a segment.
Remember to include the base language segment in all your segments. Read more about how to create it in the previous article.
Pre-stay communications
To send a communication 15 days before the guest's arrival date, include the following filter:
To add the language base segment, click on +new filter and include the following filter (the name of the filter to include will vary according to the base segment you have created):
Communications during stay
If you want to send a communication to guests, in this case, 1 day after check-in, include these filters:
Post-stay communications
Include the following filters to send communications to guests, for example, 1 day after checkout:
To send a reminder one year after the booking date, create the following segment:
Note: when including two purchase filters, a tab will appear where you must select true or false. If you select true, any purchases from the contacts in this segment must match the two conditions. If you select false, any purchase from the contacts will only match one of the conditions.
If we want contacts to meet both conditions, we must select true.
Reservation status
To communicate to guests with a confirmed booking, include this filter:
Note: it will be convenient to add this filter to all stay segments where you want to communicate with guests who have a confirmed booking.
Loyalty club contacts
Include the following filter to find out how many contacts are members of the club:
To send communications to a specific category of your loyalty program, for example, Basic, create a new segment including this filter:
The level's name may vary depending on how each hotel has named it.
Note: You should create a base segment for each of the tiers.
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