Step 1: It is necessary to register the name of the site or app where you want to have the form.
To do this, click Mobile & Web Apps:
Step 2: Click Add New App and fill in the following information:
Type a name for your Mobile & Web app : This is the name that will be registered in our CRM.
App environment: Click Production if the web is published and Development if the page is in process to be published.
Website URL: Write the URL from your site. For example:
Step 3: After you added this information, click Create App to save the changes made:
Step 4: Click Lead Generation then Forms in the left menu:
Step 5: Click Create a new form and add all the required information such as: Name, Web app, Description, Form URL and Language. Then, click on Save Form.
Step 6: Drag the information that you want to add to your form from left to right. If you want to edit, you need to click the pencil icon that appears when you position the cursor on the element you want to change.
Step 7: After selecting all the information you need, click on "Preview" to see how the form will appear to your clients. Now, you have options for embedding the form on your website:
- HTML Code: This is code you can simply copy and paste onto your website. You'll find it in the final step of the form builder. It's important to note that if you make any changes to the form later on, you'll need to copy and paste the updated code onto your website again.
- Dynamic Embedded code: If you want the form on your website to automatically update whenever you make changes to it in CendynCRM, you'll need to use a dynamic link and embed it into an iframe. This link can be found on the first page of the form builder.
Step 8: Click Save Form on top of the screen to save the form.
Note: Forms cannot be translated directly, so you'll need to create a separate form for each language you want to support.
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