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GuestRev Service Notifications help

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**RESOLVED** Cendyn Service Incident - 22 October 2024 - Guestrev-APAC - Performance Event

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  • Ankit Sharma

    11:23 UTC | 07:23 ET

    The Cendyn technical team is working tirelessly to address the issue and restore service as quickly as possible.

  • Ankit Sharma

    12:30 UTC | 08:30 ET

    Thank you for your patience as we continue to work towards a solution for the performance event impacting Guestrev-APAC. Please be assured that our technical teams are actively investigating the cause of the issue.

  • Ankit Sharma

    14:00 UTC | 10:00 ET

    The performance issue involving Guestrev-APAC has been resolved. Thank you for your patience.


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