Google’s domain reputation algorithm is one of the most complex in the email marketing world. It quickly adjusts to both positive and negative events. To improve your reputation, you’ll need to “trick” the algorithm with higher levels of subscriber engagement.
After determining that a domain has deteriorating or poor Google Domain Reputation, we recommend segmenting your audience so that emails are sent only to contacts who have clicked on a campaign in the last 30 days or who have been added to the database in the last 2 months. Continue using this segmentation until you raise your Google Postmaster domain reputation to the next level. There are three levels: High, Medium, Low, and Bad. Once you reach the next level (not High), you can segment to an audience with click engagement over the last 60 days, and so on. The key is to monitor your reputation using Google Postmaster.
Here is an example of a segment focused on in Cendyn CRM:
The below focuses on those emails in the database, that have marketing consent set to true and have clicked on a campaign in the last 30 days OR have been added to the database in the last 2 months.
A marketing consent = TRUE is not required, so long as the setting to bypass consent is not turned on for campaigns.
Standard Engagement Best Practice Segment
For other domains, you can use your normal engagement filters. We always recommend using a filter that shows click engagement over the last 6 months. The below is an example of a domain focused on all other domains, exclusive of and can be nested with the above Google Remediation Segment.
Combining two segments during a Google Remediation Plan
Regardless of your target audience, during a Google Remediation Plan, it is absolutely critical that all campaigns, under the impacted domain, include a focus on sending to highly engaged subscribers. Your objective is to drive your domain's Gmail Reputation, minimizing filtering to the spam folder. Cendyn CRM allows you to combine multiple segments. The below combines Gmail 30-day click engaged & all other domains at 6-month click-engaged.
It will be important to monitor your Google Postmaster account and follow the segmentation recommendations mentioned above to improve your reputation.
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