The Overbooking Recommendations Report highlights the specific overbooking recommendations by room category for an Inventory Date. Users can quickly review multiple dates on one page, decide whether action is necessary, then update the recommendations accordingly.
Report Columns
- Hotel: The ID or property code for the property.
- Inventory Date: The calendar date of the Inventory Date.
- DOW: The day of the week of the Days Left.
- Days Left: The difference between the Arrival Date and Capture Date.
- Room Category: Grouping of Room Types; one of the four attributes used for defining the Revenue Management Product.
- Event (Event Type Category Event): Indicates with a P (property) or S (segment) whether an event has been identified for this Inventory Date, Rate Segment or Room Category.
- Offer: Indicates with an O whether an offer has been identified for this Inventory Date, Rate Segment or Room Category.
- Notes: Indicates with an asterisk (*) whether a trace note has been identified for this Inventory Date.
- Total Avail (Total Available): The number of rooms available in this room category for this Inventory Date.
- Non Gtd RmNts (Non Guaranteed Transient Sold): The total number of transient rooms in this room category sold on a non-guaranteed basis for this Inventory Date.
- Fcst Demand (Forecast Unconstrained Demand): The forecasted number of rooms that might be sold based on a demand as if there were there are no capacity constraints. This is derived from a combination of reservations, denials and regrets.
- Fcst RmNts (Forecast Transient Sold): The constrained forecast number of transient sold rooms.
- Curr Grp Blk (Current Group Block): The number of group rooms blocked in this room category on this Inventory Date.
- Grp Blk Ovrd (Group Block Override): The group block number a user has entered for the Guestrev system to use. The Guestrev system uses a group block override exclusively until it is removed, regardless of the block or sold numbers received from the reservations system.
- Curr Grp RmNts (Current Group Sold): The number of rooms sold to groups in this room category on this Inventory Date.
- Curr Grp Avail (Current Group Available): The number of rooms available for sale from those blocked for groups (max current group block, group sold or group override - current group sold).
- Curr Total Comm (Current Total Committed): The number of rooms already committed [transient sold + max. (group blocked, group sold or group override)].
- Curr Ovbk Level (Current Overbooking Level): The current authorized setting for overbooking in the reservations system.
- Opt Ovbk Level (Optimal Overbooking Level): The optimal setting computed for overbooking in the reservations system.
- Rec Ovbk Level (Recommended Overbooking Level): The recommended setting for hotel overbooking based on the optimizer output.
- User Override Ovbk Level (User Override Overbooking Level): A setting the user entered to override the overbooking level recommended by the system.
- Ovbk Persists (Overbooking Override Persists): Indicates with a Y or N whether an override persists. If “N,” override expires with next optimization.
See Create Reports to learn how to configure a Overbooking Recommendation report.
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