The Recommendation report illustrates all the current day's recommendations out into the 396-day horizon each day. It allows for the hard copy expression of recommendations listed in action index order.
Report Columns
- Hotel: The ID or property code for the property.
- Inventory Date: The calendar date of the Inventory Date.
- DOW: The day of the week of the Inventory Date.
- Days Left: The difference between the Arrival Date and Capture Date.
- Action Index for Inv Date (Action Index for Inventory Date): The number used to describe the revenue impact of the difference between the current control settings and recommended settings, and time left to take action. An action index is between 0 and 100. The higher the number, the higher the priority for review.
- Rec Status (Recommendation Status): Indicates whether the recommendation was transmitted or generated.
- Room Category: Grouping of Room Types; one of the four attributes used for defining the Revenue Management Product.
- Control Segment: The level of customer segmentation used for inventory control.
- Event: Indicates with a P (property) or S (segment) whether an event has been identified for this Inventory Date, Rate Segment or Room Category.
- Offer: Indicates with an O whether an offer has been identified for this Inventory Date, Rate Segment or Room Category.
- Auto Pilot Y/N: Indicates whether this recommendation was automatically approved by the Guestrev system and transmitted to the PMS.
- Cur RmNts (Current Transient Sold): The current number of rooms sold from transient customer segments for a specific Inventory Date.
- Fcst RmNts (Forecast Transient Sold): The constrained forecast number of transient sold rooms as of the specific Days Left.
- Fcst Rem RmNts (Forecast Remaining Sold): The remaining transient constrained demand.
- Cur Bid Price or FPC (Current Bid Price, or Full Pattern Control, depending on configuration): This is the current Bid Price or equivalent FPC control in the PMS/CRS for Inventory Date, Room Category and Control Segment.
- Optimum Bid Price or FPC (Optimal Bid Price or Full Pattern Control, depending on configuration): Excludes competitive influence, room upgrades, min/max clipping, and user adjustments.
- Rec Bid Price or FPC (Recommended Bid Price or Full Pattern Control, depending on configuration): This is derived from Optimal Bid Price or FPC from the Optimization model and represents optimal Bid Price adjusted for Customer Value for each Control Segment. This is accomplished by subtracting the Customer Value associated with each Customer Value range (for example, $300+, $200 - $299,…$0 to $49). If competitive market module is not used automatically, these bid prices are sent to PMS or CRS and are reviewed by RM.
- User Ovrd Bid Price or Adjusted FPC: If the user entered a bid price or adjusted FPC then this displays the amount that the user overrode the bid price, or the specified FP controls, for this Inventory Date, Room Category, and Control Segment.
- Bid Price or FPC Variance: The Current Bid Price or Full Pattern Control, depending on configuration, minus the Recommended Bid Price equals the difference between the two prices.
See Create Reports to learn how to configure a Recommendation report.
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