Revenue, Occupancy and ADR Metrics
In the upper section of the Day View page, you can view revenue, occupancy, and ADR for a single day. You can use this data to determine how the property is performing compared to past performance.
In the Revenue tile, you can select to display transient total revenue, transient room revenue, or transient non-room revenue. The revenue type selected in the revenue tile also populates the ADR/RM NTS data for segment-level revenue.
When Transient Total Revenue is selected on the revenue tile, Transient TPOR is displayed on the ADR Tile. When Transient Room Revenue is displayed on the revenue Tile, Transient ADR is displayed on the ADR Tile, and lastly, when Transient Non-Room Revenue is displayed on the revenue tile, Transient ADO is displayed on the ADR tile.
The property needs to be running nightly Guestrev cycles for one year in order to view STLY.
In addition to the percentage change from STLY and LY, the tiles include graphics that represent an increase or decrease compared with the STLY and LY. The charts for revenue and occupancy show insight about property performance compared to STLY and LY.
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