Available configurations for eNgage are located on File > Options.
Window Configuration
- eNgage Url: This will come preconfigured.
- Location ID: This will come preconfigured.
- Downloads Location: Any lists exported will download to this destination.
- Always on top: Locks the window in front of all other open windows.
- Popup on lookup: Will pull eNgage to the front following an OCR lookup.
Mouse Options
- Disable Right Click: Right-clicking within eNgage shows the following popup. Check this option to prevent the popup upon right-clicking.
- Disable Scroll Wheel for Windows 7: This comes preconfigured.
- Active Directory: Must be configured by the client's IT team who notifies Cendyn to grant permissions.
- Username and Password: This is the default option. Users must be created by client, then Cendyn grants permissions for the users.
OCR Trigger
- Hotkey Mode: Select the final action item that will initiate the OCR screen reader.
- Starting Position: Select where the orange box will appear, based on the mouse's location.
- Mouse Buttons: Select which mouse button will initiate the screen reader.
- Hotkey: If the keyboard is selected as the hotkey mode, select which button will initiate the screen reader.
- Control: If checked, the Control button must be used in conjunction with the hotkey/mouse initiation.
- Shift: If checked, the Shift button must be used in conjunction with the hotkey/mouse initiation.
- Alt: If checked, the Alt button must be used in conjunction with the hotkey/mouse initiation.
Phone Popup
- Enable Pop: Check this to allow the phone popup feature.
OCR Overlay
- Enable Anchor: Check this to lock the screen reader, allowing for multiple searches.
- Overlay Color: Select the color of the screen reader box.
- Overlay Opacity: Select the opacity of the screen reader box.
- Overlay Height: Select the height of the screen reader box.
- Overlay Width: Select the width of the screen reader box.
Text Interpreter
- Parser Regex: The Regular Expression used to parse the "reservation number" from the OCR screen grab.
- Parser Contains Letters: Only used if the reservation contains letters.
Technical Options
- OCR Mode: Select the screen reader interpreter.
- OCR Image Scale: Adjusts the size of image to assist in readability.
- OCR Contrast: Adjusts the contrast to assist in readability.
- Enable Debugging: Check this to log the screen reader data.
- Restart now: Select this button to restart the program without clearing cache.
- Clear Cache And Restart: Select this button to restart the program and also clear the cache (Recommended if any changes were made.).
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