If you need to update the email address of a subscriber in Guestfolio, there are several ways to do it depending on the status of the subscriber.
Subscriber has a current or future reservation.
Guestfolio will import any change in a reservation's details, including an updated email address until three days after the reservation has checked out. As such you can simply update the email address in your PMS system and it will be automatically updated in Guestfolio on your next data import.
Subscriber doesn't have a current or future reservation and also doesn't have any past reservations.
In this case you can unsubscribe the subscriber with the invalid email address and create a new profile for the subscriber with the new email address.
For instructions on how to unsubscribe a guest, click here.
For instructions on how to create a new subscriber, click here.
Subscriber doesn't have a current or future reservation and does have past reservations.
In this case the email address will have to be updated by the Guestfolio support team. Please submit a support request with the details of the email address that needs to be updated.
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