Adding a room code, with photos and descriptions
To view, create & edit Room codes in Guestfolio, select "Hotel Settings" from the top right settings icon and then select the option "Rooms & Upgrades".
Create a new room by selecting Create new room from the top right.
- You will see the "Create New Room" form
- Code should match exactly what is in your PMS including any spaces e.g. “1BDRM” and “1 BDRM” are different.
- Name is what your guest will see as their room type, so please ensure it is not just an internal name.
- Image should ideally be 640 x 480 pixels. Our system will shrink them for you if you can’t do it yourself. At the very least all your photos should all be the same size.
- Description is what the guest will read in their confirmation email. Keep it as concise as possible. Use the ‘paste as plain text’ button which looks like this
and is the 6th button in the top row. This will ensure that your text has no odd characters attached to it.
- Position. This is the order of the rooms. Please position your rooms in order of descending superiority, with most superior room type at the top of the list in position 1. You can move them around later if you have to add another room type. If you are not offering room upgrades through Guestfolio you can leave this as the default. To change the position first select add room upgrade from the menu.
- Requestable, if selected, will display this room as a potential upgrade option within the Concierge. A guest will only see rooms that are a higher level than their present room. Requests can be sent to the user of your choice.
- Click ‘Create Room’ and you’re done.
- Repeat for as many rooms types/codes as you have.
Editing a room
- Select "Hotel Settings" from the Settings menu (gear icon) and then "Rooms & Upgrades".
- Next select the room you would like to edit by clicking on the room name.
- Make your changes and select Update room at the bottom of the page.
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