We use Liquid Markup within our emails to allow variables to be entered inline to our emails. The following are the variables available on automated emails:
Liquid shortcode | Description |
{{ reservation.title }} | Reservation title (Mr. Ms. Miss. Prince, Princess, etc ;) |
{{ reservation.first_name }} | Reservation first name |
{{ reservation.last_name }} | Reservation last name |
{{ reservation.full_name }} | e.g. Duane Hepditch |
{{ reservation.full_name_and_title }} | Mr. Duane Hepditch |
{% if reservation.title %}{{ reservation.title }} {{ reservation.last_name }}{% else %}{{ reservation.full_name }}{% endif %} | Mr. Hepditch if title field is present otherwise Duane Hepditch |
{{ reservation.confirmation_number }} | Guest reservation number |
{{ reservation.email }} | Guest email address |
{{ reservation.suppress_rate }} | 'suppress_rate' is a field that we pull from our client's PMS to suppress rates from information for certain reservations e.g. {% if reservation.suppress_rate == false %} {{ hotel.currency }}{{ reservation.room_revenue }}
{% endif %} Read: If the suppress_rate IS false (meaning don't suppress the rate) then display the hotel.currency and room.revenue i.e. $999 |
{{ reservation.check_in }} | |
{{ reservation.check_in | date: "%s" | minus: 259200 | uri_encode | date: "%A,%e %b %Y" }} | Displays the check-in date minus X days. This method pipes the check-in date into Unix time (%s), subtracts the days in epoch time, and pipes it back to our standard date format. Case use: Hotel Perfect wants to display the actual date the guest must cancel by rather than their generic cancellation window. Cancel by 3 September 2015 vs Cancel within 72hrs of check-in date. Read: This method uses epoch time in the minus equation (86400 = 1 day). To calculate the epoch time based on days, simply multiply 86400 by X number of days. In our example on the left, 86400 × 3 days = 259200. |
{{ reservation.check_out }} | Reservation check-out date |
{{ reservation.check_in_time }} | The check in time as specified in the hotel settings |
{{ reservation.check_out_time }} | The check out time as specified in the hotel settings |
{{ reservation.days_until_check_in }} | Number of days until guest check-in |
{{ reservation.days_since_check_in }} | Number of days since guest check-in |
{{ reservation.days_until_check_out }} | Number of days until guest check-out |
{{ reservation.days_since_check_out }} | Number of days since guest check-out |
{{ reservation.nights }} | Number of nights |
{{ reservation.adults }} | Total number of adults in the reservation |
{{ reservation.children }} | Total number of children in the reservation |
{{ reservation.group }} | Total number of adults and children in the reservation |
{{ reservation.rate? }} | '?' means that the drop is a question - Read: Is there a this reservation rate? If yes display X ... If no display Y... |
{{ reservation.first_night_rate }} | If separately nightly rates exist, take the first night rate value |
{{ reservation.rates }} | Array of Rate values {% for rate in reservation.rates %}
{{ rate.night | date:"%A, %b %e %Y" }} - {{ rate.amount | currency }} {% endfor %} |
{{ reservation.average_rate }} | Reservation average rate |
{{ reservation.room_revenue_total }} | Room revenue including tax (GROSS) if reservation.room_revenue_tax |
{{ reservation.room_revenue_tax }} | If no field from PMS for gross revenue to appear - use the following (add standard revenue and tax rate) {{ reservation.room_revenue | plus:reservation.room_revenue_tax }} |
{{ reservation.room_revenue }} | Room revenue excluding tax (NET) |
{{ reservation.rate_code }} | Reservation rate code |
{{ reservation.rate_name }} | Note! When assigning this tag, remember that if there exists a rate code not included in the list of rate codes saved to the dashbaord, it will print the rate code. {% if reservation.rate_description %}{{ reservation.rate_name }}{% endif %} <-- If you'd like to print the rate name, this works ;) |
{{ reservation.source }} | Reservation source code |
{{ reservation.rate_description }} | Rate code description |
{{ reservation.room_code }} | Reservation room code |
{{ reservation.room? }} | Reservation room drop. Searches for a room in the reservation data, i.e. “is there a room in this reservation? If Yes, ‘do X’ if No, ‘do Y'” |
{{ reservation.room_number }} | Reservation room number |
{{ reservation.room_name }} | Reservation room name as it’s entered on the dashboard |
{{ reservation.room_description }} | Reservation room description as it’s entered on the dashboard |
{{ reservation.room_image_url }} | The room image URL (must be embedded through an HTML <img> tag) |
{{ reservation.room_upgrades? }} | Displays eligible room upgrades as entered in the room upgrade paths in the dashboard |
{{ reservation.policy_url }} | |
{{ reservation.policy_description }} | Cancellation policy as it’s entered on the dashboard |
{{ reservation["Extra Name"] }} | Extra values for reservations specific to individual hotels. (The available fields can be found under the list of conditions.) NOTE: Leave the quotes “” in. |
{%concierge_url pageName* %} | URL to the mobile concierge, *optionally direct to the specific page (pageName should be value after https://www.guestfolio.net/page/ ) It should be only embedded through a HTML <a href="{% concierge_url %}"> tag |
{% request_url action-id, requestable-type, requestable-id %} | Typically this is "Product" or "RoomUpgrade" for the requestable type, and the ID for that particular item. Contact us for help. |
{{ reservation.market_segment }} | Reservation Market Segment |
{% unsubscribe_url profile* %} | URL to unsubscribe, optionally display profile page before unsubscription |
{% survey_url %} | standard survey URL |
{% survey_url access-code*, locale* %} | URL to survey, optionally specify the access-code for a specific survey and/or a locale for language. Note: Access code is typically the name* of survey. *lower case it and replace spaces with -
e.g. a) {% survey_url , :ar %} = Arabic survey or b) {% survey_url pre-arrival-planner %} = Pre-arrival planner survey c) {% survey_url pre-arrival-planner, :th %} = Pre-arrival-planner + Thai |
{% case reservation.rate_code %} {% when "RATECODE" %} Insert text here {% when "RATECODE1" or "RATECODE2" or "RATECODE3" %} Insert different text here {% else %} Insert even more different text here
{% endcase %} |
If you'd like to display certain text depending on a variable, use this <------ {% else %} is not required. So if you'd only like to display wording based on the variables listed, remove {% else %} otherwise keep it in to catch everything else not listed. |
{% case {{reservation['Some Extra Value']}} %} {% when "some value" %} print something
{% when "some other value" %} print something else {% endcase %} |
Use case statements for complex text conditions where a separate email step is not suitable. note that when using an extra value drop in a case tag ensure there are no spaces between the prepending or appending the curly braces {{reservation['Some Extra Value']}} (good) vs {{ reservation['Some Extra Value'] }} (bad) |
reservation.nights | {% if reservation.suppress_rate == false and reservation.room_revenue %}{% for rate in reservation.rates %} {{ rate.night | date:"%A, %b %e %Y" }} {{ hotel.currency }}{{ rate.amount | currency }}{% endfor %}{% endif %} |
{{ hotel.check_in | date: "%I:%M %p" }} {{ hotel.check_in | date: "%H:%M" }} | Check in time (12 hr clock) Check in time (24 hr clock) * optional argument |
{{ hotel.website_url }} | Hotel website as it's entered on the dashboard |
{{ hotel.instagram_url }} | Hotel Instagram account as it’s entered on the dashboard |
{{ hotel.facebook_url }} | Hotel Facebook account as it’s entered on the dashboard |
{{ hotel.twitter_url }} | Hotel Twitter account as it’s entered on the dashboard |
{{ hotel.tripadvisor_url }} | Hotel TripAdvisor page as it’s entered on the dashboard |
{{ hotel.logo_url }} | Hotel logo’s URL |
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