Research continually shows us here at Guestfolio that sending out large generic campaigns will not yield the best results possible. Your guest's are different and the best way to reach them will vary from person to person. To combat this issue, Guestfolio gives you the power to create highly targeted lists which can be used for email marketing purposes.
In Guestfolio we call any email address and its associated information a "subscriber" This is different from a guest profile in that not all subscribers have to be guests at your hotel. They might have used a facility at your property such as the spa or restaurant. They might have also signed up to receive communications from your property before actually staying there.
Subscribers can enter your Guestfolio database from a number of sources.
- PMS imports: reservations that have been transferred from your hotel property management system (PMS)
- File uploads: CSV files that can be manually uploaded into Guestfolio
- Web signup: Guestfolio gives you the option to embed a form into your website that allows for direct sign up to your database.
- Manual creation: Individual subscribers can be created on the fly in Guestfolio.
Creating and deleting lists
Subscriber lists are separate from your Guestfolio database and are merely a way of sorting your database in various groupings. Modifying or deleting any or all subscriber lists will not delete the actual subscribers.
Viewing, searching and editing lists
Navigate to Newsletters and click on Subscriber lists from the drop down menu. Click on a list to view it's contents, you can search within a list by clicking on "Search" in the left corner of the subscriber list area.
Select "Edit subscriber list" in the top right corner of the screen to open the edit screen.
The following screen will show you any conditions attached to the list. Conditions are the filters which you can apply to a subscriber list to segment your database into smaller sections.
For a detailed description on conditions and how to create a subscriber list, click below:
How to create a subscriber list
Next steps?
Use Studio, our email marketing campaign building software to create a beautiful email, attach your list and send away!
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