Guest Survey reports can be found in the Guest surveys tab under the Reports section of your Guestfolio dashboard.
Searching for information
There are several ways to select different date ranges to display specific data in Guestfolio.
Select a date range manually via the date picker top left of the graph.
Select a pre-defined date range from the options top right of the graph.
Use the scroll bar above the graph to select a date range.
Survey Ratings graph
Shows the average survey response score and survey volume over a selected time period.
Net Promoter graph
Shows the average net promoter score over a given time period including volume of scores received. You will only see this if your property has NPS reporting activated.
Review Ratings graph
This graph displays TripAdvisor reviews. Average rating and volume over a given time period. You will only see this if you have TripAdvisor integration turned on.
Detailed survey reports page
Click on "Detailed report" in the top right corner of the screen next to the survey rating graph to bring up the searchable survey reporting page.
This section display global statistics for the life of your Guestfolio account, the data in this section will not change when you perform searches. Clicking on "Reviews" (TripAdvisor reviews) or "Show guest responses" will bring up a list of all responses and reviews submitted.
Using the search commands you can zero in on a particular portion of your survey data based on the options below.
Answers to specific questions in your survey are listed at the bottom of the page.
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