So, you've added TripAdvisor to your Guestfolio account as a review service - great! This article will give you an idea of what your guests will see when they complete your hotel's post-stay survey. They do not need to sign in to TripAdvisor, nor do they need an existing profile, before they are prompted to fill out the survey.
After your guest completes your property's survey and they click on 'Complete Survey' a new page will appear which will be embedded in your hotel's branding. This page will display the TripAdvisor review as per below:
Guestfolio gives you the option to have the above review screen pre-populated with answers your guests have previously submitted in your hotel guest survey. Duplicate survey questions can be mapped to the TripAdvisor questions so that the above screen will be already filled in when your guest's arrive on this page. Removing this double entry will save time for your guests, reduce abandonment rates and increase review volume.
For more information about setting up TripAdvisor review pre-population email or submit a work order to get this set up.
Once a guest fills out the TripAdvisor review screen (if not already filled) and click ' SUBMIT YOUR REVIEW' they will be directed to the following page in which they can either sign in to their existing profile OR create a new profile:
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