Daily Forecast Report
The Daily Forecast report shows the forecast horizon specified in the Criteria section.
Revenue Managers often find it helpful to have a hard copy report of multiple days’ demand to refer to while reviewing recommendations.
Revenue Managers often find it helpful to have a hard copy report of multiple days’ demand to refer to while reviewing recommendations.
Report Columns
- Hotel: The ID or property code for the property.
- Inventory Date: The calendar date of the Inventory Date.
- DOW: The day of the week of the Inventory Date.
- Days Left: The difference between the Arrival Date and Capture Date.
- Room Category: Grouping of Room Types; one of the four attributes used for defining the Revenue Management Product.
- Customer Segment: Individual Customer Segments the client has defined for revenue management purposes.
- User Ovrd (User Override): A user-made adjustment to demand, bid price, or overbooking level.
- Curr Trans Arvls (Current Transient Arrivals): The current number of transient bookings scheduled to arrive on the specific Inventory Date.
- Fcst Trans Arvls (Forecasted Transient Arrivals): The constrained forecast of total transient arrivals on the specific Inventory Date.
- Cur Group Arvls (Current Group Arrivals): The number of arrivals for groups on the specific Inventory Date.
- Curr Trans Dpts (Current Transient Departures): The number of transient departures scheduled on the specific Inventory Date.
- Fcst Trans Dpts (Forecasted Transient Departures): The forecast number of transient departures expected on the specific Inventory Date.
- Cur Group Dpts (Current Group Departures): The number of group departures scheduled on the specific Inventory Date.
- Curr Trans RmNts (Current Transient Sold): The current number of rooms sold from transient customer segments on the specific Inventory Date.
- Curr Group Block (Current Group Blocks): The number of rooms blocked for groups.
- Cur Group RmNts (Current Group Sold): The number of rooms sold to groups.
- Cur Group Avail (Current Group Available): The number of rooms available for sale from those blocked for group (block - sold). These values are actual, not washed.
- Group Block Override: The group room block a user establishes for Guestrev to use instead of the block (or booked, if greater than blocked) number received from the property management system.
- Curr Total RmNts (Current Total Sold): The total number of rooms sold including group and transient sold (Current Group Sold + Current Transient Sold).
- Curr Total Comm (Current Total Committed): The total number of rooms currently committed [transient sold + max (washed group block, washed group sales, or group override)].
- Cur Total Avail (Current Total Available): The total number of rooms available for sale for the Inventory Day. This is equal to the Physical Capacity - Off The Market - Manager Held - Transient Sold - Group Committed+ Overbooking.
- Fcst Day 0 Trans Pickup (Forecast Day 0 Pickup): The constrained forecast for the number of rooms expected to be sold to customers without an advance reservation.
- Fcst Rem Trans Dmnd (Forecast Transient Remaining Demand): The number of unconstrained forecasted transient rooms sold - current transient rooms sold.
- Fcst Trans RmNts (Forecast Transient Sold): The constrained forecast number of transient sold rooms.
- Fcst Total RmNts (Forecast Total Sold): The constrained forecast number of transient sold rooms + max of group blocked, group sold minus wash or group override.
- Fcst Hotel Occ % (Forecast Occupancy Percentage): Forecast total sold divided by available rooms.
- Fcst Trans Room Rev (Forecasted Transient Room Revenue): The remaining forecasted transient rooms sold * forecast transient hotel ADR + Current Transient Revenue.
- Fcst Trans Non-room Rev (Forecasted Transient Gaming or Customer Value): The forecasted transient rooms sold * forecast transient average daily gaming and, if included in extract, other spend.
- Fcst Trans Total Rev (Forecasted Transient Total Value): The forecasted transient hotel revenue + forecast transient gaming/other value.
- Fcst Trans ADR (Forecasted Transient Hotel Average Daily Rate): The expected average daily hotel rate (forecast transient hotel revenue/forecast transient occupied rooms).
- Fcst Trans ADO (Forecast Average Daily Gaming/Customer Value): The forecasted average daily value of gaming/other value from guests including stay-throughs.
- Fcst Trans Total POR (Forecasted Transient Total Per Room Sold): The forecast transient ADR + forecast transient avg. daily other value.
- Est Group Room Rev (Estimated Group Hotel Revenue): The estimated group revenue for group blocks: Max (group block, group sold or group override) * group room rate.
- Est Group Non-room Rev (Estimated Group Gaming or Customer Value): The expected gaming/other value for groups.
- Est Group Total Rev (Estimated Group Total Value): The estimated Group Hotel Revenue + Estimated Group Gaming/Other Value.
- Est Group ADR (Estimated Group Hotel Average Daily Rate): The estimated group hotel revenue divided by number of rooms blocked for groups.
- Est Group ADO (Estimated Group Average Daily Gaming/Other Value): The estimated group gaming/other value divided by number of rooms blocked for groups.
- Est Group Total POR (Estimated Group Total Per Room Sold): The estimated Group Hotel ADR + Estimated Group Ave. Daily Gaming/Other.
- Fcst Trans RevPAR (Forecast Transient Hotel Revenue Per Available Room): The amount of transient room revenue forecasted to be realized divided by total available rooms.
- Fcst Trans TotPAR (Forecast Transient Total Revenue Per Available Room): The total amount of revenue forecasted to be realized by the hotel from transient bookings divided by total available rooms.
- Fcst RevPAR (Trans+Group)(Forecast Total Hotel Revenue Per Room): The forecast total hotel revenue divided by total available rooms.
- Fcst TotPAR (Trans+Group) (Forecast Total Revenue Per Available Room): The total amount of revenue forecasted to be realized from lodging guests divided by total available rooms. [Fcst Total RevPAR w/Grp = (Fcst Total Rev + Est Grp Total Rev)/( Transient Capacity + Cur Grp RmNts), Transient Capacity (GUI->Room Category screen) = Phys Cap - Off the market - Group Committed]
- Mkt Control Seg Bid Price (Market Control Segment Bid Price): The bid price in the segment that is being used for competitive market control. This is typically the lowest value control segment and is defined in the property parameters system configuration file.
See Create Reports to learn how to configure a Daily Forecast report.
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