Pace + Pickup Overview
The Pace + Pickup views provide a detailed analysis of booking pace and pickup, as well as the ability to compare booking pace for the same time last year (STLY) or previous periods. This allows you to make more informed pricing and marketing decisions by looking at current trends and comparing them to last year's actual trends.
From the Pace and Pickup pages, you can review bookings in detail at multiple levels, including the segment level, customer segment groupings, room category level, and booking source level, and you can filter by business type and various date ranges.
Navigate to Pace +Pickup
Select Analysis > Pace + Pickup from the main navigation.
Pace + Pickup Color Scheme
Actual/OTB = Purple
- Projected (Constrained Forecast) = Blue
- Comparison = Light Gray
- Capacity = Black
- Group Override = Green*
- Group Block (Group Only) = Red
*Only displayed when Specific Day is selected from the options in the Date Range.
To export the data to Microsoft Excel, click the Export button.
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