Guests can request items for multiple delivery times.
In Room Dining
Guests select In Room Dining from the Plan My Stay view.
Select Menu
In-house guests can view all menus at all times. However, specific menus (e.g., breakfast and dinner) are only available during certain times of the day. So guests can only order from specific menus at specific times.
Guests can choose a menu with the drop-down list or by clicking on the menu.
Select Date and Time
Guests can request any future delivery date and time that falls within their stay dates.
View Item
Guests click on an item to view its description and select it.
Choices and Upgrades
Items can be configured with choice options at no additional cost and/or upgrades, which incur an additional cost. Each choice or upgrade can be configured as a single or multiple choice. Single choices appear as radio buttons while multiple choices appear as check boxes. When upgrades are selected, the total price automatically updates. Guests select a quantity, choices and upgrades, then select Add.
Shopping Cart
The added item appears in the shopping cart. Guests click on the shopping cart icon to review, edit or submit their order.
Shopping Cart Review Page
All pending orders appear on an interactive review page with the requested time and date listed above each delivery. Guests can delete or edit items with the corresponding icons.
Guests select Add Item to add items to the shopping cart. On the next screen, the delivery time and date will default to the same as shown to the left of Add Item.
Guests may select an optional, additional gratuity amount for each requested delivery.
Sales tax, service charge and delivery charge are customizable for each property. The total charge automatically updates when guests add optional, additional gratuity.
Guests provide payment type and contact information prior to submitting their request. They select Start a New Request to add additional items to the shopping cart with a different delivery date and time. The delivery date and time on the next screen will default to the current time and date, but can be changed.
Confirmation Page
Upon submitting a request, a confirmation page appears.
The request will appear on the guest's Itinerary. If a request has a Pending status, guests can update or cancel the request.
Notification Email
A notification email is sent to guests for each submitted order.
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