The second tab of Audience details displays customer details
Select Details
On the Audience List view, select Details for any audience.
Customer Details Tab
Select the Customer Details tab.
Last Run
Displayed at the top of the tab is a date and time stamp for when the audience was last run.
Filter Customers by Email Status
All customers with all email statuses are initially loaded. To narrow the list, choose one or more email status from the drop-down list and/or choose another search field below that and select Search.
Customer List
Your list of customers appears at the bottom of the page and includes first and last name, email, email status, reservation number, reservation status, zip code, property name and the data source of the record.
The results displayed in the Customer List are limited by your property access. For example, an audience named "Repeat Guests" includes Hotel Origami Palm Beach, Hotel Origami NYC and Hotel Origami Chicago. You, however, only have access to Hotel Origami NYC. Your customer list results will include guests from Hotel Origami NYC and exclude guests from Hotel Origami Palm Beach and Hotel Origami Chicago. A colleague with access to all three properties will see a customer list including all three properties.
The results displayed in the Customer List are limited by your property access. For example, an audience named "Repeat Guests" includes Hotel Origami Palm Beach, Hotel Origami NYC and Hotel Origami Chicago. You, however, only have access to Hotel Origami NYC. Your customer list results will include guests from Hotel Origami NYC and exclude guests from Hotel Origami Palm Beach and Hotel Origami Chicago. A colleague with access to all three properties will see a customer list including all three properties.
Read how to export a list.
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