Guestfolio gives you full control to edit all of your emails via our simple editor or by working with the HTML code itself. Our expert team of email specialists can also update your emails for you. If you require Guestfolio assistance with updating your emails please fill out a work order request here: WORK ORDER REQUEST. Changes will be billed at an hourly rate.
This article will outline how you can make changes to automated emails yourself.
Automated or transactional emails include confirmation, survey, bring-back, pre-arrival, modification and automated. To view your automate emails select "Automated Emails" and "Automated Emails" again from the menu on the left of your Guestfolio dashboard. Shortcut
Select the email you want to modify and select "Edit automated email" in the top left of the screen.
On the following edit email screen you can modify the email in several ways.
Conditions - Conditions tell Guestfolio who to send or not to send the email to. They will appear in the top of the screen above the email. Click here for more information on conditions.
Email attributes
- Type - Selects which type of email (confirmation, modification etc) this email is. Different email types have different options associated with them.
- Schedule - When the email will send, it can be set to a particular day, week or month before or after check in or check out. #Caution! altering an emails schedule may have an immediate and irreversible effect, it may make certain emails suddenly stop or start sending. Please ensure you are fully aware of the effect of any changes before you make them.
- From name - The name your guests will see the email is from.
- From email - The email address your guests will see the email is from.
- Reply to name - The name your guests can reply to.
- Reply to email - The email address that can be replied to.
- Bcc email - Here you can enter one or many (comma separated) email addresses to receive a copy of this email every time it sends. This can be helpful to keep a record of every email you are sending to your guests.
- Subject - The subject field your guests will see when they receive the email.
- Email template - A pre-built email design that normally comprises a generic header and footer that can be used across multiple emails for branding consistency. Click here to view your email templates.
Email body
The main section of your email will be displayed in the box below the email attributes. The email can be edited in the text editor or you can work directly with the HTML. To toggle between these options select the "Source" button at the top left of the HTML section of the screen, this will switch your view the the HTML.
Using the options in the above screen shot you can edit the text of the email, apply formatting, add links, personalization's and notices.
Placeholders - A placeholder is a tag that is used in Guestfolio that will look something like this: {{ reservation.confirmation_number }}. This tag would be populated by the individual guests confirmation number in an actual reservation.
When editing an automated email you will never see actual guest information, you will always see the placeholder tags. For more information on available tags in Guestfolio click here. Please exercise caution when editing placeholder tags as entering these incorrectly will cause your email to not display the correct data.
Plain Text
Some older email clients don't have the ability to read modern HTML and as such would not be able to view your fancy emails. To ensure that every guest will always receive at least a basic email, Guestfolio recommends sending a plain text version of all your automated emails.
This can be done by selecting all text in the HTML body section of your email, copying and then pasting into the Text section of the email below. In addition to copying the text, you also need to update the plain text field with any URL links that would not get copied over automatically.
Activating and Saving
Active - This check box allows you to turn your emails on and off. An inactive email will not send to anyone.
Update automated email - Any changes you make to an email will not be updated and made live until you select the green button at the bottom of the screen.
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