Create a New Award
Log into your Admin site and navigate to the Loyalty Awards tab. Select Add to add a new loyalty award. Complete the fields for the new loyalty award. Be sure to choose Points Based for the Award Type, check the box for Use as eGift and switch the Automated toggle to On. Select Save.
Create eGift and Link it to the Award
Navigate to the Loyalty eGifts tab. Select Add to add a new eGift. Complete the fields. The Award drop-down list will only display awards that have the Use as eGift box checked. Select the Award you created above ($10 eGift Award) from the Award drop-down list. Choose the catalog(s) that are available for this eGift. Enter a value for the Card Amount. Select Add.
The Card Amount must be unique for each eGift created. You can choose up to 10 catalogs per eGift, thus you can offer up to 10 different cards for each Card Amount.
Connect Award to Redemption
Navigate to the Redeem tab. Select +Add Redemption to open the Redeem Editor. Enter content in the Name, Description and Button (label) fields exactly as you want it appear on the Redeem page in the member portal. Upload an image to accompany the award in the member portal.
In the Connect To field, select the award you created above. Select Save.
Update Marketing Partner Settings
Navigate to Loyalty eGifts > Marketing Partners. Select the Edit icon for the marketing partner that will fulfill the eGift.
Check the Threshold Notification box. In the Threshold Amount field, enter the amount of available funds that will trigger a notification to add funds to avoid an interruption of service. In the Notify field, enter the address(es) of the people who should be notified if the threshold amount of funds has been reached.
Member Logs into the Member Portal
Member Redeems the Award
On the Redeem tab, the member selects Redeem for the desired eGift, as long as the member's current points exceed the points needed.
Member Chooses an eGift
The member selects the desired eGift and then Redeem.
Next, the member confirms their email address.
The member receives a reference number for the eGift Card.
The member's current points will be reduced by the amount spent on the eGift in both the member portal and the Admin site, where the redeemed eGift Card will be listed on the Member Awards tab for that member.
Account Balances are Updated
In the Loyalty eGifts > Account Balances tab, both the Account Balance and the Remaining Balance will have decreased by the eGift value ($10.00 in this example).
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