Below are the steps taken to manually redeem an eGift award. A birthday-based eGift is used for this example. For other award types, simply choose the appropriate award type when creating a new award.
Log into your Admin Site
Award Setup
Navigate to the Loyalty Awards tab. Select Add to add a new loyalty award. Complete the fields for the new loyalty award. Be sure to check the box for Use as eGift and switch the Automated toggle to Off. Select Save.
Create eGift
Navigate to the Loyalty eGifts tab. Select Add to add a new eGift. Complete the fields. The Award drop-down list will only display awards that have the Use as eGift box checked. Select the Award you created above (Manual eGift Birthday) from the Award drop-down list. Choose the catalog(s) that are available for this eGift. Enter a value for the Card Amount. Select Add.
The Card Amount must be unique for each eGift created. You can choose up to 10 catalogs per eGift, thus you can offer up to 10 different cards for each Card Amount.
Make Note of Account Balances
Navigate to Loyalty eGifts > Account Balances and make note of the remaining balance.
Add Award to the Member's Account
Navigate to Member Information > Member Awards. Select Add Award to add a new eGift to the member's account.
Select the Award you created above (Manual eGift Birthday) from the Select Award drop-down list. Optionally, add Comments. Select Save.
Since this award is being added manually, a user with Admin permissions must change the Award Status from Issued to Sent via Email to enable the Send/Resend button.
Send/Resend the Award
Select Send/Resend for the award to be sent to the member via email. From the email, the member visit the member portal to redeem the award.
Recheck the Account Balances
The Pending Redemption balance will have increased by the eGift value ($5.00 in this example), while the Remaining Balance will have decreased by the eGift value.
Member Logs into the Member Portal
Member Redeems the Award
On the Awards tab, the member selects Redeem.
Member Chooses an eGift
The member selects the desired eGift and then Redeem.
Next, the member confirms the email address.
The member receives a reference number for the eGift Card.
The award status will be updated to Redeemed in both the member portal and the Admin site.
Member Portal
Admin Site
Recheck the Account Balances
Both the Account Balance and the Pending Redemption balance will have decreased by the eGift value ($5.00 in this example).
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