Build criteria segments within Audiences, a user-friendly, drag-and-drop feature that allows you to quickly create, edit, or clone audiences to be utilized for email marketing campaigns or database management.
Why use Audiences?
This feature allows the user to create an audience that can then be used for multiple campaigns. This audience, can be easily cloned and adjusted to meet on going needs. A great advantage of using Audiences, is making modifications to your email campaign audiences without disrupting the campaign sending process.
Getting Started
Navigate to Audiences.
The Audience List page is where you can search, view, edit, clone, activate, or deactivate an audience.
Search for an Audience
To search for an Audience utilize the drop-down filters at the top and enter in the information you are searching for.
Note that you can search for either Published Audiences or Saved Audiences by selecting the option in the search menu. Published Audiences are ready to be used in the email creation process. Saved Audiences are in draft status and can be published later.
You can add additional layers of searches by selecting Add search filter. When ready select Search.
Easily View/Edit, Clone or Inactivate an Audience by selecting Actions.
To dive into an Audience select Details.
In Details, you can:
- View a summary of the audience
- Access the customer details to preview or export
- Review the associated campaigns
- See all the changes made to the Audience or make further edits
Create a New Audience
Select Add.
Audience Name
Select the Edit icon to enter a name for your new audience.
Audience Details
Click into the Tags and Property List fields. Select as many of each as applicable. Enter in an optional description for the audience.
Select your desired Audience and hit Save.
You can then select Forecast Target Audience to refresh your counts.
After the counts have generated select Save and Continue to move to the next tab of the email campaign creation process.
You're now ready to build the criteria of your audience. Continue reading here to learn how.
Add an Audience to an Email Campaign
Whether you are creating a campaign from scratch or editing an existing one, you can utilize a published Audience to expedite setting up the campaign's criteria.
On the Criteria tab, under the Audience Search section, search for the Audience list.
Select your desired Audience and select Save and continue.
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