Want to become a Guestfolio Pro? Check-out our frequently asked questions below.
How do I stop certain type(s) of reservations (i.e. reservations made through OTAs) from receiving a Confirmation and/or any other Automated Emails?
You can add a condition or conditions to the email(s) you wish to limit. There are many different criteria you can use, such as Rate Code, Market Segment, Source Code- depending on how you differentiate the reservations you’re trying to exclude in your PMS.
Ex. If you do not want the Confirmation email going to guests who booked through Expedia:
Add condition to the Confirmation email: Rate Code not in EXP (you will need to enter the specific Rate Codes you use in your PMS).
Learn more about conditions and filters
How do I limit an Automated Email, Cancellation Policy, or Subscriber List to only people staying at the hotel over a certain date range?
You can add conditions by Check-in and Check-out date to target only people staying with you over a certain period.
Learn more about building filter conditions
How do I add multiple conditions to an Automated Email, Cancellation policy, or Subscriber list?
If you are adding multiple conditions of the same type- for example adding multiple Rate Codes- use IN and NOT IN. If you are adding multiple conditions of different types, click add condition group below the first condition and add the next condition. Make sure to pay attention to whether it says Matching ANY or ALL at the top.
Learn more about conditions and filters
How do I update the room description or cancellation policies?
To update the room description and/or image for a room type, click the gear icon on the top right of your dashboard and select Hotel Settings. Then click on Rooms & upgrades.
Learn more about cancellation policies
Cancellation policies can also be accessed under Hotel Settings.
Automated Emails
How do I update my Automated Emails?
You can update the text of any of your Automated Emails from Guestfolio by clicking on Automated Emails on the left menu. Then click the subject line of the email you wish to update and click Edit Automated email at the top right. In the HTML box you can update the body of the email. In addition to updating the text, you can:
- Change the schedule (when the email gets sent out) for any emails other than the Confirmation, Modification, or Cancellation.
- Change the subject line, reply-to email, and add a BCC email (if you want to receive a copy of every email that gets sent out to a guest.)
- View/update the conditions on the email.
- Activate or deactivate an email- the check box at the bottom that says Active? If that is checked, the email is active and will send out. If it’s unchecked it’s not active.
Remember to click Update automated email at the bottom to save changes! They will not save otherwise.
Learn more about modifying your automated emails
What do the Liquid tags, i.e., {{ reservation.check_in }}, {{ reservation.room_revenue_total }} under Reservation Details on the Confirmation email mean?
These will display the information for the reservation they are being received for.
When you send yourself a preview email it will have liquid tags on it because it is not linked to a reservation. That is NOT what the actual guests are seeing, however.
Learn more about uploading a CSV subscriber list
Guest Survey
How do I update my survey?
Survey updates are done on our end through a Work Order. You can submit a Work Order here: https://www.cendyn.com/customer-work-orders/
How do I receive a notification when a guest submits a survey?
You can receive a daily or monthly report of survey responses- to add email addresses to receive that report go to: Surveys & satisfaction, click on name of survey, then click on Edit survey settings at the top right. Scroll down to Reporting. Email addresses for Daily or Monthly report recipients need to be added one on each line.
Learn more about setting up your guest survey
Is my TripAdvisor widget active/how do I remove it?
To check if the TripAdvisor widget is currently on a guest survey, look at Review services right underneath Reporting. You can click remove on it to remove it- just remember to click Update Survey on the bottom of the page to save changes.
Learn more about setting up your guest survey
Where do my subscribers come from?
All Subscribers (first option under Newsletters) contains ALL CONTACTS in Guestfolio. These include:
- PMS imports: Reservations that have been transferred from your hotel property management system (PMS).
- File uploads: CSV files that can be manually uploaded into Guestfolio.
- Web signup: Guestfolio gives you the option to embed a form into your website that allows for direct sign up to your database.
- Manual creation: Individual subscribers can be created on the fly in Guestfolio.
If I delete a subscriber list will it delete my subscribers?
Subscriber lists are separate from your Guestfolio database and are merely a way of sorting your database in various groupings. Modifying or deleting any or all subscriber lists will not delete the actual subscribers.
Learn more about subscriber lists
How do I create a targeted subscriber list?
Conditions can be added to Subscriber lists in the same way as your Automated Emails to create targeted lists.
You must create the subscriber list they want to send a campaign to before they proceed with setting up the campaign/sending it out.
Learn more about creating a subscriber list
How do I import subscribers/why am I receiving an error when I try and import a subscriber list?
It MUST be a .csv file, there must be a valid email address for each contact/row, and there cannot be any spaces between rows.
Learn more about uploading a CSV subscriber list
How do I create a signup form to use on my website?
Click on Signup Form under the Newsletters section on the left, and then select advanced. You can then select the fields you wish to include in your signup form. The code needed to add it to your website will generate right below - you just need to copy it and add it to your website.
Learn more about getting people to sign up for my newsletters
How do I export a subscriber list?
Go to Subscriber Lists under the Newsletters section on the left. Click on the name of list you wish to export and you will next see a list of all the subscribers on this list. At the bottom of this list is a button to export your list of subscribers.
Learn more about exporting a list of subscribers
Mobile Concierge
How do I update my Mobile Concierge?
Mobile Concierge updates are done on our end. Two hours of free content updates per quarter are included in your subscription, and those can emailed to productsuccess@cendyn.com.
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