Use the built-in filters to find a particular request or a group of requests. Then you can export them.
Navigate to Reports
Select Reports from the main navigation bar.
Search for Requests
Enter criteria and select Search.
Search Fields
- Hotel Name: Hotels that you have access to will appear in the list. Choose a hotel from the drop-down list.
- Email: Enter all or part of a guest's email address.
- First Name: Enter all or part of a guest's first name.
- Last Name: Enter all or part of a guest's last name.
- Booked Room Type: Enter the code of a room upgrade type. (You cannot search by add-on codes with this field.)
- Confirmed or Denied Status: Choose All, Confirmed or Denied.
- Confirmed Date: Choose the date that the guest's request was confirmed.
- Arrival Date From: Enter the date of the guest's arrival.
- Arrival Date To: Enter the date of the last day of a guest's stay.
Export to Excel
Your search results appear under the search fields.
Select Export To Excel to automatically generate and download an Excel file containing these results.
The file will named Report.xls and located in your Download folder or the location you have designated for downloads.
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