Read on for helpful information about creating your proposal's room block.
If a Sales & Catering system integration is in use, the relevant room block information is pre-populated. Changes to that information in Proposals will not update the Sales & Catering system.
5-Day Grid
A table containing a 5-day block appears by default.
Create a New Category
- Enter a name in the Category field.
- In the Room column, keep the default name that appears -or- click on the name to change it.
- In the Quantity (Qty) column, enter how many of those specific rooms are available to the client on that specific date.
- In the Rate column, enter the rate of that specific room type for each specific date of the event.
- If your rates and quantities are the same throughout the week, select the Copy Rates icon in the first column on the left in that row to quickly copy the quantity and rate to every subsequent date for that room type.
Use the Copy Rates feature thoughtfully. Some hotels have higher rates on different days of the week, different seasons and holidays.
- Repeat steps 1 - 5 above to add as many room types as you need.
- Select Submit to save the category. Once you select Submit, you'll see +Add New Category and +Add Additional Options.
- Select +Add New Category to create a new category with more room types/rates. For example, you might want a category for Staff rooms that you offer at a discount.
- Repeat steps 1 - 8 to create as many categories as you need.
- Select + Add Additional Options if you wish to provide your client with rates for alternative dates or an alternative property to the one that they requested. For example, you can suggest dates that would fill a gap in your bookings or display rates for multiple, subsequent years for an association planning an annual conference.
- In the Additional Options window, enter the date range or hotel, the room rates and comments (optional).
- Select Submit to save.
- Optionally, add comments to the Comments block by typing them in or selecting stored content from the list below the editor.
- Select Next to save the room block.
Insert More Dates
Select +Add New Date above any category to add a new date for that category.
In the new window, use the calendar to select one new date to insert. (The date must be consecutive to your existing dates.) You can edit the quantity and rates for the added date. Select Submit to save the new date. Repeat this process for each new date you wish to add.
Edit Columns or Rows
Select the pencil icon to edit room block columns or rows as needed.
Delete Columns or Rows
Select the Delete icon to clear all data entered for particular room type.
Room Block Totals
Your room block will include a Daily Quantity Total in the bottom row, a Total for each room type in the furthermost column on the right and a Grand Total in the bottom right corner. These totals are automatically added by the system. If your room block is large, use the scroll bar at the bottom to view all your dates and the Grand Total.
If you enter a room without the quantity and rate it will not show up when Submit is selected.
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