This report breaks down production by major and minor market segment and compares it to budget, forecast, same time last year, and actuals for the prior year. It also shows reach to meet those same metrics.
Learn about setting Report Parameters here.
Learn about setting Report Parameters here.
- When run for multiple months, this report separates each month into its own tab and includes a total tab. Upon export to Excel, each tab will be named for the appropriate month.
- This report is for single hotel or portfolio use. When used for a portfolio, the data is an aggregate for the portfolio.
- The same time last year data is a date to date comparison rather than a day to day comparison. If you pull a report for the month of March, March 1 – 31, 2020 will be compared to March 1 – 31, 2019.
- The budget and forecast information will only populate in this report after the data has been uploaded by the user.
First Month of Report
Since each month displays on a separate page or tab, the first month included in the report appears on the report's first page, the second month on the second page, and so on.
Report totals appear on the last page of the report.
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