This is the first of the four simple steps to creating or editing your Card.
Select a Property
If you have access to more than one property, select a property from the drop-down menu. This step is unnecessary if you have access to only one property.
Select Create/Edit > Card from the main navigation or I want to ... Create/Edit a Card from the Welcome page.
Choose a Card Type
Select a Card Type from one of the choices listed.
Create a New Card
Since the Select Card field defaults to New Card, you can move on to enter a Card Name.
Edit an Existing Card
To edit a draft or previously saved Card, click on the first drop-down list and select the draft you want to edit. Only Cards that have not yet been sent to a client will appear in the drop-down list. Once you select a draft, all of your data for that Card will appear for you to edit.
The From field will automatically default to your name.
If you have administrative permissions, the from drop-down list will include your name, along with those of your staff. You can choose to create or edit Cards under any of the users in the drop-down.
Select a Recipient
When selecting a recipient, you must search for an existing client or enter a new one.
To enter a new client, click on Add New under the Client field.
The Add New Client window will appear. Enter your client’s contact information. Fields with an asterisk are required. Select Save. Your client’s information will now be saved for future use.
See Edit a Client for advanced client management.
Search for an Existing Client
Click on Search next to the Client field.
Enter part (at least 2 characters) or all of a first or last name or an e-mail address. Select Search.
Searching by email address tends to be the most successful as it is the unique identifier for each client. If your search provides no results, the system was unable to find a match. Try again using a different type of criteria.
Click on the client name in the search results to select the client.
You may send a copy of the Card to additional clients or contacts by typing the recipient’s email address in the CC field.
Use the BCC field to send your Card to contacts without your client or other BCC recipients seeing who else has been copied.
For both CC and BCC, separate addresses by semicolons or commas if you are sending to more than one contact.
Email Subject
Enter an email subject, keeping in mind that it will appear as the subject line of the email you send to your client.
Create a personalized message to compliment your Card that reflects your client's needs. The salutation is pre-populated for you, but you can edit it at any time. You may enter your own content or choose one or more block of stored content from the list below the editor to automatically include in your message. You can then edit any portion of the content and/or use the editor toolbar to format it. Only enter the body of your message in this field as your contact information and signature (in the case that you have previously uploaded a custom signature) will be included automatically.
The stored content will be pasted into your welcome message each time you select it from the list. If you inadvertently add the content more than once, simply delete what you don't need.
Message Closing
Use the drop-down list to select a closing for your message. You may also type your own.
You must click Next at the bottom of the page to advance to the next step and save your work.
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