The data in Revintel is based on PMS transactional data. The market segment, source code, and room type in the reservation are used to categorize the production.
When setting up the property, each code is configured to correspond to a major and minor category for production to appear in the correct segmentation on reports.
For example, a market code of BAR could be mapped to the major market of Transient and the minor category of Retail. A source code of EXP could be mapped to the major channel category of OTA with the minor category of Expedia. Additionally, a room type code of DXLQ could map to the major room product of Room and the minor category Deluxe Room. When you open a report and see a category of ‘Unknown’ this is an indication either that there is a PMS code that is not mapped or there is reservation data with missing codes.
In the example below, ‘Unknown’ appears in both the market and room product section of the report:
What do I need to do?
When unknown major and minor categories appear in a report, the support desk can check to see if there are new codes that need to be mapped. Send an email to with the following information:
- Report name
- Stay dates that the report is being run for
- Specify where you see the unknown data
- Request that the team checks for any codes that need to be mapped.
The support desk will send a list of unmapped codes along with the major and minor categories to choose from. The support team will need to know the appropriate major and minor category to use for each unmapped code. Once the team has the mapping updated, the property data will need to be reloaded to pick up any new market and channel mapping in order for the production to be correctly categorized.
If you are creating new market, source, or room type codes for the property, you can also send the codes along with the desired major and minor mapping categories before the codes are used. This way the codes and mapping can be added to the database and production will be correctly categorized as soon as the code is used.
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