You can schedule reports via the report scheduler.
When scheduling your first report, pull up the actual report in Revintel and review expected inputs before you begin scheduling.
Accessing Scheduler
The report scheduler is accessed via the User Icon in the upper right corner of Revintel.
The reports are displayed in the same categories as the tabs within Revintel.
Section 1- Report Description
A report description is not required, but if multiple versions of the same report are being scheduled, the description can help distinguish between versions in a list of scheduled reports.
Section 2 - Delivery Options
Define when the report will be sent out. The inputs adjust depending on the selection of ‘Day’, ‘Month’, or ‘Once’ from the radio buttons.
The Time Zone will default to your time zone. Enter the delivery time, keeping in mind this is a scheduled task and does not consider if data has been updated. For this reason, it is recommended not to schedule any future-looking reports prior to 8 am property time.
Use the Delivery Period to indicate Start/End dates of delivery.A stop delivery is not required.
Use ‘Day’ to define daily or weekly delivery options. For example, delivery Monday-Friday, but not on the weekend, or deliver once a week on Monday.
Within the ‘Month’ options, use the ‘On Week of Month’ to schedule a report to be delivered on a specific day of the week during the month. For example, always receive the report on the first Monday of the selected months. Use the ‘On Calendar Day(s)’ to receive the report on a specific date of the month. For example, always receive the report on the 5th of the selected months.
The ‘Once’ option is helpful to use when testing delivery selections and to save favorites for specific reports.
When using this option to save favorites, use the Manage Report Schedule option to edit the delivery date and time when you need to run the report.
Section 3 - Render Format & Delivery Options
The report is delivered as an attachment to the email. Select the desired program for delivery from the Render Format options. The report can be sent to a distribution list by separating email addresses with a semi-colon. This is not restricted to Revintel users. The ‘Subject’ and ‘Comment’ sections are free-flow text and will be the subject line and body of the email delivered.
Section 4 - Report Parameters
The parameters displayed will reflect the parameters expected on the report.
- ‘Start Date’ and ‘End Date’ define the stay dates for the report.
- ‘Pickup Start Date’ and ‘Pickup End Date’ define pickup ranges.
- ‘As of Date’ defines the snapshot data being delivered.
- The calendar options will use the same specific dates in the inputs for the report.
- The relative options will use dates relative to when the report is generated.
- On select reports, choose one, two or three years back from the 'Comparison Year' drop-down to compare on-the-books data to a previous year.
The offsets increment the parameter in the same unit of time as selected for the parameter. For example, if you select ‘Current Month’ and an offset of 1 in the ‘Relative Start Date’ field the start date used in the report will be next month. You can utilize a mix of static and relative dates, if needed. To run the report for ‘today’ through the end of the year, select current date in the relative start date and use the calendar end date to select December 31.
Section 4, continued - Report Filters
The bottom section of the Report Parameters are the filters to apply to the report. The Type, Hotel/Portfolio, Business Unit, and Currency should default to your user default options and are the only inputs required.
Once all the filters have been set, click Save.
Users can modify all reports they have scheduled through the Manage Report Schedules option on the User Icon.
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