By following the outlined steps (as of August 3, 2022), Revintel users will be able to successfully download the budget/forecast (B/F) template from Revintel and upload a B/F file directly to Revintel. The data will then be processed and available within the following reports:
- Monthly Pickup and Budget Variance
- Monthly Market Segment
- Budget/Forecast & Pace Performance, and
- at the day level for customized reporting in Compose.
Download the Budget and Forecast Template
Now, it is possible to download the Budget and Forecast template from the Revintel application. All prior templates will need to be updated as we have streamlined the process by removing steps like file conversion. To download the template, you must follow these steps:
Go to the Revintel app
Go to the Forecast and Budget Menu, and select the Forecast Budget Upload option
A new tab will be opened. Here, you can see two buttons. One will initiate the upload process and the second will download the unified template. Click on the download current template button and the template will be downloaded to your PC. You can save the file name as you wish.
Copy/Paste to Template
To use the template that was just downloaded, you must copy/paste from your existing budget/forecast workbook into the budget/forecast template in the format defined in rows 1-3 of the template.
- If you are uncertain of your Hotel ID, Please open your support tickets here:
- Market Segment Codes are your PMS Market Codes.
- Do not re-order columns in the template.
- Paste values to ensure the value remains in the proper format type.
- Delete ROW 3 from the template as it is simply an example.
Upload the Budget and Forecast File
The upload budget and forecast file process is simple. Navigate to Forecast and Budget, then select Forecast Budget Upload
Click on Upload New Budget/Forecast File
Select one or more files from your local files to be uploaded
Single file upload
Multiple file upload
Click on Validate Files to initiate the validation of your selected file(s). If the data is in the correct format, you should see a green status showing that the file(s) are successfully validated. Select Complete Upload (the form will be closed automatically).
The grid behind will be updated automatically with the latest file processed successfully listed at the top.
The chart contains the following information:
- Column File ID is the identifier assigned to the file in the database
- Upload date is the exact date when a user/client uploads a file
- Uploaded BY is the name of the user who uploaded a file
- User File Name is the name of the file (this should be easily recognized by the user/customer)
- Processed date: if this column has a value it means that the file has already been processed, and the value is the exact time when it was processed
- Don't Load column is used to indicate to the system if a file would be processed (this will be only possible when the processed date is empty)
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