This article should be used as a resource when creating Display assets in house. Clients should refer to this document to match Cendyn’s naming conventions when submitting files.
Cendyn File Naming Conventions
To ensure a smooth transfer of files, we require folders or file names that do not include spaces or the following symbols:
Best Practices
- Utilizing Caps and underscores help make sections of the file name more legible
- PropertyName_SummerFun_AlllSizes.psd
- There shouldn’t be any dashes or uncommon characters besides letters, numbers, and underscores
- The parent company name should not be used in file names. Example of what not to do: "Parent Company_PropertyName_SummerFun_300x250.html"
- Keep all file names under 56-characters
- File name should mimic the same setup as the folder names
- Folders: PropertyName_2021_Q3_SummerFun
- File: SunshineCanyons_2021Q3_SummerFun_300x250
- Do not use property name abbreviations
Design Stage
- Use a concept name that easily identifies the concept/campaign vs concept 1, concept 2, etc. It helps all teams to easily identify what concept each concept is.
- Use r1(round) to clarify which file has the most recent round of edits.
- PropertyName_2021Q1_SummerFun_AlllSizes_r1.PSD (old file)
- PropertyName_2021Q1_SummerFun_AlllSizes_r2.PSD (most recent file)
- In the event that a campaign is running several different promos create an entirely new folder at the campaign level to differentiate the two.
- Folder Name 1: Q1_HolidayGiftCard_3rdNightFree
- Folder Name 2: Q1_HolidayGiftCard_50PercentOff
- When a concept is approved please rename the files so it is clear the files are approved:
- PropertyName_2021Q1_SummerFun_AlllSizes.psd
- PropertyName_2021Q1_SummerFun_AlllSizes.pdf
Animation Stage
- All Final Files names (HTML/JPGs) will need to not have FINAL in the name and should be removed. This applies to final zipped html5 banners as well.
- Example - PropertyName_2021Q1_SummerFun_300x250.html
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