Click Text Module Setup for the respective data source from the Serenata @mail menu.
The system displays the Overview of available text modules. The columns display the text code, the description, the valid dates and your available actions.By default, the text modules are displayed alphabetically by (Text)Code and Valid From Date. Click any other column to sort by the respective information instead.
From here, you have the following options:
- Search for and locate specific text modules by using the Search dialog on top and display a list of corresponding results View and modify a selected text module – Click the Text Code in the respective row or click the Edit icon.
- Add a new text module – Click the New Text Block icon.
- Copy an existing text module, for instance to create a dynamic display based on different valid dates – Select the required text module and click the Copy icon.
- Delete an existing text module – Click the Delete icon for the respective text module. Caution: Only delete a text module if you are sure that it won’t be needed anymore. The system will only let you delete items that are currently not in use. If Deletion is not possible, insert a "valid to"-date which is in the past.
Adding/Editing a Text Module
Using the @mail text editor, you can add new text modules and edit existing ones. Moreover, you can translate the content of your templates into all other languages used for your guest correspondence.
With theme-based templates, you will usually only need to edit existing text blocks, for instance for modifying existing content and/or for translating the content into other languages.
If you want to create dynamic displays based on different date ranges, it is more recommendable to use the Copy function (see below).
Adding a new text block:
Click the New Text Block icon.
The system displays the empty text editor window (in Design Mode.)
Define the Text Code, the Description and the Valid Dates.
Next, enter the text for the new text module. Optionally, you can include formatting information (and even include images). As a rule though, you will simply add text, since most of the formatting information is contained in the @mail template already.
You can also use copy & paste to insert text: access the past options with a right mouse-click.
We strongly recommend pasting plain text only. Otherwise, you might accidentally copy format into the box that you do not want to display in the email.
- Design Mode
: displays the text as it will appear in the merged template and to the recipient:
- HTML Mode
: displays all HTML codes that make up the text. Using the HTML Mode, you can enter HTML code for generating the text (not recommended).
Click the Save icon when you are done.
Copying a Text Module
The Copy function is very useful, for instance, when defining alternative content which is activated based on different valid date ranges, say the main promotion on your reservation confirmation will offer a ski special for the winter months and a link to your wellness & spa offer in summer.
The code (e.g promotion-01) used in this example remains identical. Only the description, the valid dates and, of course, the contents differ.
Select the required text module and click the Copy icon in the Actions column.
The system copies the specified text module, leaves the code untouched and changes the Description to “Copy of <NameofTextModule>”. The default for the NEW Valid From date will be one day after the Valid To date of the existing text module. This facilitates the creation of text modules which are consecutive in time. If the Valid To date is empty, the system will set the date to one day after today’s date.
Note: To be on the safe side, always keep one generic piece of content with an empty Valid To date if you use consecutive valid dates so that you always have ONE promotion/image/link that is displayed no matter the dates.
Click the Description or the Edit icon to open the new, copied text module.
Enter the new Description (which should clearly state the differences to the existing text module.)
Specify the new Valid Dates. If you are creating consecutive text modules, accept the default in the Valid From field and select the new end date in the Valid To field.
Remember that the system also permits the use of nested valid date ranges. This means, for instance, that you could create ONE Standard Cancellation Policy valid from 01 January 2015 to forever (= empty Valid To date). Nested within this standard policy you can create special cancellation policies for particular high season times or special events. For instance, the Serenata Example Hotel has a specific policy for each Octoberfest.
For further information on valid dates ranges and nesting of date ranges please see click here.
Next, enter the text for the copied text module.
Where required, translate the content in all available languages.
Click the Save icon when you are done.
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