Using the Search, you can locate messages based on hotel name, recipient’s name, email address, confirmation number or your user ID. You can also search the messages by status and languages and reduce the list of results by entering a date range.
- Select the Search tab on the left.
2. Enter the required search options.
3. Enter a percent % sign for searching any part of the name or address.
For a description of available search options, see Table below.
4. Click Search to update the list of displayed messages.
The system displays all matching messages.
Regular Search versus Partial Search %
The Search function allows a regular search, where you enter the first letters or the complete information you are looking for and a partial search, where you locate messages based on entering part of the name or address and prefacing it with a percent sign %.
- Direct search: Enter the first parts or the entire Last Name, Confirmation Number, or Email address. You can use the fields individually or any combination.
- Partial search: Preface the part or string you are searching for with a percent % sign. This way you can locate all recipients with a certain letter combination in their name.
The partial search is useful in free-entry fields, such as name, address or email subject but also for locating messages based on a sequence of characters that are part of an email address.
For instance, “%eckle” in the name field” locates all recipients with Checkley, Eckler, Steckler, Beckles, Beckler, etc., anywhere in their name.
- Search for a combination of patterns: If you want to search for a combination of patterns in a field, you need to add an extra percent sign % in the middle.
For instance, if you are looking for messages with an email address made up of something like “Tom” and “Next” in the domain part, enter “%tom%next” in the search field. The system will locate all messages containing this combination of patterns anywhere in the Email Address field.
Note: The maximum number of records the system displays on one page in the result list is 100 records. The maximum of results for messages is 500 records.
Moving to other Pages in the Search Results:
The system displays 100 records per page. When there are more results than fit on one page, you can see references to the other pages at the bottom left in the Search Results table.
Jump from to another page in the list by clicking the respective number at the bottom of the list, i.e.
Search Results Exceed 500 Records?
The maximum number of records NextGuest applications can display in any of the result lists after a search is 500. This means that the system can display the first 500 records. When you narrow the search further, though, the search is always based on all records.
Active Transactional Campaign jobs will easily exceed 500 messages since pre-arrival and post-stay emails per hotel accumulate quickly. You can see the number of messages in the numbered bubbles next to the tabs shown in the results:
You can decrease the result list by providing additional search options, for instance, display the records you have processed by entering your User ID. Or carry out a name search.
What to do when you want to UNSELECT your selection? – Reset Search
Whenever you need to reset a Search, the quickest way is to click the Reset Search option.
Note: Whenever your display list does not come out the way you expect, it is a good idea to reset the search. The system keeps the search filter set, even after you have switched options and then go back to your result list.
The Messages Overview provides a list view of the communication sent via Transactional Campaign.
Using the Messages Overview, you can search for and locate the email messages, view the recipients, check outgoing and sent emails, delete messages, verify the email address of the recipient(s), view and change the subject line, and resend emails.
When you first access Transactional Campaign, you see the start page with the Messages Overview on top.
The Messages are listed in status tabs with the on-hold messages on top:
- Messages on hold: Messages with the “on hold” status are messages that did not go out for a reason and require your action, hence they are displayed on top. Upon initial start the default sending setting for messages is ‘on hold’ allowing you to review and verify the before sending the emails to your guests. The setting can be changed to automatic sending upon informing the Customer Success Team. Depending on level of customization some customers keep for example confirmation letters always on ‘on hold’ sending, to allow editing the confirmation.
For example, you can check the email address and update it, if that is the reason for the failed send, or you can send this information back to the reservation office to ensure that the booking does not fail due to, for instance, a confirmation email that did not arrive.
- Messages sent: This list provides an overview of all sent messages.
- Other Messages: Messages whose status is neither “sent” nor “on hold”. For instance, soft bounce, hard bounce, excluded, etc.
- Soft Bounce: temporary issue with address (e.g. inbox full)
- Hard bounce: permanent issue with address (e.g. does not exist)
- Excluded: defined within Setup, Exclusions (e.g. PMs should not receive PREA or POS)
- Frequency limit reached: defined within Job, Scheduler tab, customer has already received x email within x time (e.g. regular customer checking in every second day does not receive a PREA every second day)
Table: Messages Search Dialog: Description of Search Options
Search Option |
Description |
Hotel |
Select the required hotel from the drop-down. |
Email type |
Select the required message type from the drop-down, for example, confirmation, cancellation or pre-arrival message. |
Last Name |
Last name of the recipient. Search for any part of the recipient’s last name or by the entire name. |
First Name |
First name of the recipient. Search for any part of the recipient’s first name or by the entire first name. |
Email address recorded for the recipient. Search by the entire email address or by parts of it. |
Confirmation No. |
The Confirmation Number (PMS/CRS) is the unique identifier of a booking. This information is provided by the PMS and or the CRS. The Confirmation No. column (in the Messages Overview) displays the number whenever it is available. |
Status |
Status of the email(s). You can select to display messages with a specific status by selecting or clearing the respective checkboxes, for instance all emails on hold or failed, etc.
Languages |
Select the required target language from the drop-down. |
Created Date From/To |
Creation date range for the messages. This is the date on which the booking arrives in the Transactional Campaign database shown in the time valid for the respective hotel. Select a specific date range if you want to reduce the result list to a specific time frame. Enter the dates or select them via the Calendar button. |
Process Date From/To |
Process date range for the messages. This is the date on which the message was processed by Transactional Campaign. Select a specific date range if you are searching for messages that were produced during a specific time frame. Enter the dates or select them via the Calendar button. |
Checkbox Show Deleted Messages |
Select the checkbox to view deleted messages. |
Hotel User |
Enter the Hotel User ID to show messages that a specific hotel user has processed. You can use this field to find messages that were created, for instance by the web, by entering %web. |
Search button |
Enter the required search criteria and click the Search button to update the list of displayed emails. Note: You can click the Search button or the Refresh button at any time to make the system refresh the list of results. |
Reset Search button |
Select the Reset Search button, if you want to clear the search dialog and enter new search options. |
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