Using the Statistics option, you can track the result of campaigns, i.e. find out what happened with the email after it was sent. Here you can see, how many emails were opened, how many bounced, and which links in the email generated the most interest.
In addition to the Statistics tab, which is always displayed on top, the options Link Tracking, Email Domains and Email Devices allow you to view the link tracking results, and access pie charts and reports on the most frequently used email domains and the email devices that were used to open the campaign.
Note: the functions described are also valid for the Sales Campaign app. The only difference between Marketing Campaign and Sales Campaign is the choice of recipients: in Sales Campaign, you can only write to contacts that exist in B2B.
In this article:
Note: The Statistics tab is available for email campaigns and is displayed once you have run a query and have resulting recipients. It starts showing data once you have sent the campaign.
- From the Campaign menu for the selected campaign, click the Statistics tab.
The Summary, which is always displayed first, when you select the Statistics option, provides you with the following tiles: number of delivered emails, campaign success, bounce rate, opt-out rate, open rate, and link clicked rate. The pie chart shows the number of opened versus non-opened emails.
Hover the mouse over any of the tiles to flip them over and display more detailed information:
The icon toolbar in the Statistics menu displays a number of campaign-specific reports that assist you in analyzing the outcome of your campaign.
For an overview of the reports available from the Statistics tab, see Statistical Campaign Reports
Link Tracking
The Link Tracking page in the Statistics menu displays the links tracked in the template. Moreover, you can view open and click rates, once the campaign has been sent successfully.
Using Link Tracking, you can monitor and compare the number of clicks obtained by links in your email campaign. Monitoring and optimizing your marketing and upsell links can help increase your conversion rate.
The grid shows the link description, tags, total number of clicks, number of profiles with clicks, the click rate, and the date and time the links were first/last clicked.
Email Domains
The Email Domains tab display pie charts with the following information.
- The top email domains that were most frequently “targeted” when sending the campaign
- The leading domains used to open the campaign.
Email Devices
The Email Devices tab displays pie charts with the information what kind of reading devices were used to open the emails. The following information is available.
- Browser
- Mobile
- Tablet
You see the toal number of devices broken down by email, browser, tabler, and mobile.
Additional pie charts provide further breakdowns of the data into the browsers, email clients mobiles operating systems, and tablet operating systems used.
- Mobile
- Tablet
Statistical Campaign Reports
The Statistics option provides several campaign-specific reports that assist you in analyzing the outcome of your email campaigns. You can access and generate them directly from the Summary page by clicking the respective report option.
Additionally, a Domain Report is available from the Email Domains tab in Statistics.
Domain Report
The Domain Report from the Email Domains tab in Statistics provides a domain-specific open and click analysis. The report highlights the top 20 domains for the campaign. Using this report, you can spot inconsistencies in open and click rates relating to specific internet service providers. Thus, you can react and amend template settings for future campaigns, if and where required.
Opt-Out Report
The Opt-Out Report shows all centrally managed profiles that opted out during this campaign. It highlights the opt-out date, the email address, the member type, member number, and lists the last and first name.
This report allows a more detailed analysis of opt outs for a specific campaign.
Bounce Report
The Bounce Report allows a detailed analysis of bounced emails. You can check the email addresses for typos or other inconsistencies which could be the reason for the bounce and update the corresponding profile details.
This report provides a chance for increasing the data quality of your guest profiles.
Success Report
The Success Report provides a detailed analysis of bookings resulting from a campaign. You can view the bookings in the various hotels, view the guest details (name, status, address details, campaign open date, arrival and departure dates, booked rate code, as well as resulting number of nights, room and total revenue. Moreover, for each line you can see the On Target result.
Note: On Target defines a certain time range after sending a campaign during which bookings with the target rate code and optionally for the target hotel can be counted as a success. The default time is 14 days; set in field Booking Timeframe in the Success Parameters. Bookings after this time range cannot necessarily be considered a result of the campaign. The On Target filter allows a more specific focus on the success rate.
Daily Breakdown Report
The Daily Breakdown report shows a break-down of open rates, click rates and opt-out rates per day. It provides some insight as to when and how often email campaigns are actually opened.
Campaign Overview Report
The Campaign Overview report shows a break-down of open rates, click rates and opt-out rates per day. It provides some insight as to when and how often email campaigns are actually opened.
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