The Hotel Arrival Report provides an overview of all guests arriving in a specific hotel on a given date. Using an arrival report from NextGuest CRM is useful to receive not only information from your hotel PMS about the guest, but to have a holistic overview from every possible information source connected to the CRM. This can include other hotels within your brand or information the guest inserted in a newsletter-portal.
To use the arrival report from NextGuest CRM:
- Log into the NextGuest CRM portal.
- Select Central Reporting.
- Select Hotel Reports > Hotel Arrival Report in the navigation on the left.
The Hotel Arrival Report parameters display. - Fill in the search parameters as required.
The date defaults to tomorrow's date. - Either leave the date or select another one from the calendar.
- You must select a hotel from the Hotel ID drop-down.
The other search fields are optional. See below table for details. - Select the Export as Excel option to generate the report.
The system generates the report, which may take a moment, especially when multiple hotels are involved. Depending on your browser and its settings, the system opens the report in Excel or asks you whether to open the file directly or save it first.
Here is a sample report with demo data.
Notice the Details column on the right. Click into the column for a selected guest to display the guest's details.
Table: Hotel arrival report - description of report parameters
Report Filter |
Description |
Arrival Date |
Guest arrival date for the report. The system defaults to tomorrow's date. You can select a future date for reservations or a past date for previous stays. |
Hotel Brand |
Brand of the hotel as selected by the drop-down. |
Hotel Region |
Region in which the hotel is located. |
Hotel Country |
Country in which the hotel is located. |
Hotel State |
State in which the hotel is located. |
Hotel ID |
Mandatory field: Filter by specific hotel, i.e. select one or more hotels from the dropdown. |
Checkbox Only Show Interests |
Select this checkbox if the report should display specific guest interests, such as sports, beauty, gold, etc. |
Checkbox Show Guest Specials
Select this checkbox if the report should display special preferences of the guest, such as extra blanket, allergic pillow, morning paper, etc. |
Checkbox Show Room Features |
Select this checkbox if the report should display specific request regarding the room, such as away from elevator, low floor, fully accessible, etc. |
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