B2B Sales stores PMS accounts and PMS agents. These are company and agent profiles from the Property Management Systems that have not been assigned to a specific sales account yet. They have the status No Sales Account involved and No Sales Agent involved and are located in the PMS Profiles option.
Using the PMS Profiles option you can view PMS accounts without links to sales accounts. Filter by No Sales Account involved. This gives you the opportunity to view these unassigned accounts and link them i.e., assigning them to sales accounts.
Note: Please keep in mind that the PMS profiles contain the actual revenue, stay, and reservation details pertaining to your accounts. They supply the revenue figures displayed on the Production and Reservations tabs in the account details and for the actual revenue figures in your reports. The more PMS profiles remain unassigned the less accurate the production accounting will be and the bigger the revenue totals for your "Miscellaneous or Unassigned Revenue."
Caution: Automated match is available and can be activated by contacting customer support. We recommend reviewing and assigning PMS accounts to sales accounts on a daily basis.
In this article:
- Assigning PMS accounts to corresponding sales accounts
- Reassigning an Assigned PMS Account
- Unassigning a PMS Account
- Promoting a PMS Account to a Sales Account
By assigning all respective PMS profiles to a given sales account you can track the exact revenue the sales account has generated.
You can also reassign PMS accounts (i.e., with an existing link to a specific account) to another sales account.
In addition, you can promote PMS accounts to sales accounts if they generate enough business to require an individual sales rep.
Assigning PMS accounts to corresponding sales accounts
- In the icon toolbar click the down arrow next to the PMS Profiles icon and select PMS Accounts or PMS Agents.
B2B Sales displays a list of all PMS accounts. Assigned PMS accounts are highlighted in yellow. - Filter by No Sales Account Involved to hide all assigned PMS accounts temporarily.
- Select an unassigned PMS account.
If you want to assign several unassigned PMS accounts to a corresponding sales account do one of the following:- For adjacent rows, select the first item, hold down the Shift key, and then select the last item.
- For nonadjacent rows, select the first item, then hold down the Ctrl key, and then select additional PMS accounts.
Right-click, and then select Assign. B2B Sales displays the PMS Account Assignment dialog with the list of active sales accounts.
- Locate the sales account to which you want to assign the PMS account(s).
To do this, use any of the following steps or any combination of the following steps:
- Enter the first letter(s) of the PMS account into the Quick Search field and select Go.
For example, if the name of the account starts with “Ser”, enter “Ser” into the Quick Search field and select Go. - Use additional search criteria by selecting the Search button and entering your search criteria or
- Next to Display, select the drop-down and choose a different selection filter or
- Move from one record to the next in the list with the up and down cursor keys on the keyboard, or scroll through the alphabetical list of names by using the vertical scrollbar.
B2B Sales displays a list with all matching entries.
- Highlight the required sales account.
- Select the Assign the PMS contact checkbox, or ignore this checkbox if there is no contact name.
If you select this checkbox, B2B Sales will automatically create an entry for the PMS account’s contact person on the Contacts tab of the sales account. (You can edit the entry for the new contact person later if you want.) - Select the Assign button.
B2B Sales displays a confirmation message for the assignment. -
Select Yes to assign the PMS account; select No if you want to abort the assignment and return to the list of PMS accounts.
With Yes, B2B Sales assigns the PMS account to the selected sales account and offers to open the account detail of the sales account. -
Complete one of the following:
- Select Yes to open the sales account.
You can now locate the newly assigned PMS account by clicking the PMS Account tab.
- Select No to return to the list of PMS accounts.
- Repeat steps 1 through 9 for the remaining unassigned PMS accounts.
Tip: Since you have just assigned one or several new PMS accounts to their corresponding sales accounts, you may want to determine the updated production or reservation figures for this sales account. To do this, simply select the Production or Reservations tab and then select the Recalculate button.
Reassigning an Assigned PMS Account
It is also possible to reassign PMS accounts; this means select a PMS account with an existing link to a specific sales account and link it to another sales account. This option is also available from the PMS Accounts tab of sales accounts.
Note: This works in exactly the same manner as when you assign a PMS account. The only difference is that you first select one or more PMS accounts that have already been assigned to a specific sales account. See the previous chapter for details.
- Access the list of PMS accounts and view the assigned PMS accounts.
- Locate and highlight the assigned PMS account(s) which you would like to reassign.
- Right-click to access the popup menu and select Assign.
B2B Sales displays the PMS Account Assignment dialog with the list of active accounts.
keys on the keyboard -
Locate the sales account to which you want to reassign the PMS account.
- Highlight the required sales account.
- Select the Assign button.
Unassigning a PMS Account
From the list of PMS accounts you can select a particular PMS account and unassign it from the sales account. You can do this if the account does not really belong to the particular sales account, or, if you want to promote the PMS account to a sales account and want it listed as a new independent sales account.
- Select the PMS Accounts tab, highlight the required PMS account with a right mouse-click, and select Unassign from the context menu.
B2B Sales displays a confirmation message. -
Select Yes to confirm that you want to remove the link between the sales account and the PMS account; select No if you want to abort this change.
With Yes, B2B Sales removes the link and unassigns the PMS account. You can locate the PMS account by selecting the PMS Profiles icon in the icon toolbar.
Promoting a PMS Account to a Sales Account
If a particular PMS account generates a certain amount of revenue or stays you may consider treating it as a regular sales account. With B2B Sales you can select such a PMS account and promote it to a sales account.
- Case 1: If you promote an assigned PMS account to a sales account, B2B Sales will create a sub account with the name and details of the original PMS account.
The new sub account will be listed on the Sub Accounts tab of the sales account. - Case 2: If you promote a previously unassigned PMS account to a sales account via the Profiles icon, B2B Sales will create a new independent sales account with the name and details of the original PMS account.
Promoting a PMS account to a sales account:
- Do one of the following:
- select the Accounts icon, select an account, and then select the PMS Accounts tab.
- select the PMS Profiles icon, and then select PMS Accounts or PMS Agents.
- Right-click the required PMS account, and then select Promote from the popup menu.
- B2B Sales displays a confirmation message for the promotion.
Keep in mind, if you promote:
- A previously unassigned PMS account: B2B Sales will create a new independent account with the details of the previous PMS account.
- A PMS account assigned to a sales account: B2B Sales will take the PMS account data and create a sub account. For practical purposes, this new sub account will be listed on the Sub Accounts tab of the sales account.
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