B2B Sales comes with an extensive set of reports covering all areas of your Sales operation. All Sales reports are available via NextGuest CRM Central Reporting. Some of the reports are available directly from the B2B Sales application. The reports offer a consistent query set, fast report processing and native Excel generation.
In this article:
Table 1: B2B Sales reports – available reports by report group
Report Group | Report Name | Description |
Account Reports | Contacts Birthday List | List of contacts and their birthday dates, sorted chronologically for the selected period, by sales rep and contact priority. The report displays the account name and address, the contact name, birthday, age, contact phone numbers and email address. |
Master Account Tree |
Overview of a selected master account and all linked sub accounts. A level number (1 for master account, 2, 3 up to 20) next to each account indicates, on which level the sub account is located. For each account, the report shows the account name, address information, sales rep code, and sales rep name. |
Sales Accounts with Contacts | Alphabetical listing of accounts and agents with their contacts (if available). Account information includes account name, full address, sales rep responsible for the account, account type, phone, account number, fax, commission (for agents), website, and remarks. Contact information includes contact name, address, birthday, priority and influence, phone numbers, mobile number, fax, email, and remarks. |
Sales Accounts with Contacts and Activities | Alphabetical listing of accounts/agents with their contacts and all activities. The report is sorted alphabetically by account name, and within each account, alphabetically by contact last name. Account information includes account name, full address, secondary address (if available), sales rep, account type, account number, priority of the account, phone, fax, website, and remarks. In addition, a commission rate will be displayed for agents. Contact information includes contact first and last name, full address of the contact, sales rep responsible for the contact, birthday, language, priority of the contact, influence, phone numbers, mobile number, fax, email, and remarks. Details of the activities include activity date, type, status, done date, subject, result, and remarks. If more than one activity is listed per contact, they are sorted chronologically by most recent one. |
Activities Report | Sales Accounts without Activities | Overview of all sales accounts without corresponding activities. |
Sales Contact without Activities | Overview of all sales contacts without corresponding activities. | |
Activities Grouped by Type | Shows all activities including account and contact information grouped by activity type. | |
Activities Grouped by Date | Shows all activities including account and contact information per day. | |
Activity Grid by Activity Type | Shows the number of activity results, e.g. presentation, offer signed, lost business for each activity, e.g. incoming email, letter, phone call. | |
Hotel Reports | Hotel Overview | List of all hotels and offices entered in NetHotel sorted by city name. Information includes hotel name, short name, hotel id, full address, region, brand, main phone and fax numbers, number of rooms and beds, website, currency used at the hotel, and sales rep. |
Hotel Overview with Employees |
List of hotels and offices and their employees sorted by hotel ID.. Information includes hotel name, short name, hotel id, full address, region, brand, main phone and fax numbers, number of rooms and beds, website, and sales rep. For each hotel/office, the report lists all employees entered in NetHotel with full name, position, phone, fax, mobile, and email address. Please remember that only hotels, offices and employees that are not marked as inactive will be listed in this report. Additionally, you will only see hotels with an entry in the Brand and Region fields. |
Potential Report | Active Contracts | Listing of all active contracts sorted alphabetically by account name. Account information includes account name, full address, account number, name of contact responsible for the contract, and sales rep. Contract information includes contract subject, type, status, valid dates, terms, rate code, and remarks. |
Leads by Account | Listing of all leads sorted alphabetically by account name. Account information includes account name, address, and sales rep. Lead information includes contact name, hotel name, lead subject, status, denied reason, currency of hotel and HQ currency, lead arrival and departure dates, rooms per night, room nights, persons per day, room, F&B, and other projected revenue, respective revenues in HQ currency, and a grand total in HQ currency. Additionally, the report shows the email address to which the lead was sent, time and send date, and any additional remarks. |
Leads by Hotel | Summary and detailed information about leads per hotel including information about account, contact, rooms, nights and status. | |
Potentials by Accounts |
Summary of all potentials sorted by accounts and then by arrival date. This report displays account name, account number, arrival and departure dates, subject of the potential, projected room nights, room, F&B, other, and total projected hotel revenue, respective revenues in HQ currency, and a grand total in HQ currency. This report provides a good overview of all potentials ongoing with an account. |
Production Reports | Account Production Comparison (LY) | Comparison of chosen timeframe and with corresponding last year production per account and per hotel including information about revenue and ADR. |
Account Production Comparison |
Production comparison for accounts with a specified production period and comparison period. The report displays the account name, the production periods (requested periods) and the respective comparison periods (e.g. 20010/1 compared to 2009/1; 20010/2 compared to 2009/2, etc.), the variance in total, and the variance in percent. Information includes HQ total, room, F&B, and other revenue, as well as room nights. At the end of the report there is a total for the whole period, including total variance and variance in percent. |
Account Production Comparison Summary | Comparison of chosen timeframe and with corresponding last year production per account group wide, including information about revenue and ADR. | |
Production by Accounts |
Production summary sorted alphabetically by account, and within the account by hotel and period (ascending). The production is created by the PMS accounts (company and agent profiles of the hotels), linked to the NetHotel Sales accounts. The report displays the account name and hotels where the account produced revenue. Each production period, where revenue occurred, is listed. Information includes production period (e.g. 2006/1; 2006/2, etc.), room nights, HQ rooms, F&B, other, and total revenue. The report provides totals for each year, totals for each hotel, and production totals for each account. At the end of the report, there is a grand total for all production columns. |
Production by Accounts / SubAccounts | Production for a chosen timeframe grouped by master accounts sub accounts and per hotel. | |
Production / Reservation by Accounts | Production summary (history and future) sorted alphabetically by account, and within the account by hotel and period (ascending). The reservations are created by the PMS accounts (company and agent profiles of the hotels), linked to the NextGuest CRM Sales accounts. The report displays the account name and hotels in which the account has reservations. Each month, for which reservations have been booked, is listed. | |
Reservation by Accounts |
Reservation summary sorted alphabetically by account and within the account by hotel and period (ascending). The reservations are created by the PMS accounts (company and agent profiles of the hotels), linked to the NetHotel Sales accounts. The report displays the account name and hotels in which the account has reservations. Each month, for which reservations have been booked, is listed. Information includes booking period (e.g. 2020/1; 2020/2, etc.), number of room nights, missed nights, HQ room, F&B, other, and total revenue. The report provides totals for each year, totals for each hotel, and revenue totals for each account. |
Top PMS Unassigned Agents |
Production report for the top x PMS agent profiles that have not been assigned to a specific sales agent yet. The report displays the top x PMS agent profiles by total headquarter revenue. Information includes HQ total, room, F&B, and other revenue, as well as room nights, as well as the hotel, where the PMS profile was created. Note: The PMS profiles from the individual hotels contain the actual revenue, stay and reservation details. It is recommended to check unassigned PMS company and agent profiles regularly and assign them to existing sales accounts/agents (thereby accounting for the revenue in NetHotel Sales.) Alternatively, you can promote PMS profiles to sales accounts, if they create enough business. |
Top PMS Unassigned Companies |
Production report for the top x PMS company profiles that have not been assigned to a specific sales account yet. The report displays the top x PMS company profiles by total headquarter revenue. Information includes HQ total, room, F&B, and other revenue, as well as room nights and the hotel, where the PMS profile was created. Note: The PMS profiles from the individual hotels contain the actual revenue, stay and reservation details. It is recommended to check unassigned PMS company and agent profiles regularly and assign them to existing sales accounts (thereby accounting for the revenue in NetHotel Sales.) Alternatively, you can promote PMS profiles to sales accounts, if they create enough business. |
Sales Campaign Reports | Sales Campaign Overview | This report gives you an overview of all sent email campaigns |
Email Domains By Campaign | This report gives you information on the email domains your campaign recipients use how their opening behavior is and if there are bounces. | |
Email Domains By Date | This report gives you the information when users of an email domain have opened your campaign over a certain period of time. |
Table 2: B2B Sales reports - available reports filters/queries/parameters
Report Filter |
Description |
Account Base Type |
Filter by accounts or agents or include both accounts and agents into the report. Select the required Account Base Type from the pickbox. |
Account Number |
Identification number of the account. Select the Account Number for your report using the Account Number button. |
Account Name |
The name of the Account for which you want to generate your report. If you want to generate the report for a specific account select the required Account Name from the pickbox. Leave the field blank to include all accounts. |
Account Priority |
The Priority of the account, e.g. top, high, medium, low or local, unclassified key account, platinum account, etc.. The priorities are custom-specific. Select the required Priority from the pickbox. Leave the field blank to include all priorities. |
Account Status |
Filter by active and inactive accounts. |
Account Type |
Account Types are custom-specific. Typical account types are Prospect, Key Account, Internal Account, etc. The account types are defined in the Type field under account details in NetHotel Sales. Select the required Account Type from the pickbox. Leave the field blank to include all account types. |
Birthday (Month) |
Birthday month. Select the required month from the pickbox. |
Contact Sales Rep |
Sales rep assigned to contact |
Contact Status |
Filter by active and inactive contacts. |
Contract Date Valid From/To |
Valid date range for the contract. Accept the defaults or overtype the defaults with the desired Valid From and Valid To date range. Enter the required date range or leave the fields empty to include all records irrespective of date. You can also just enter a From date OR a To date and leave the other field blank. |
Country (Account) |
The Country in which the account is located. Select the required Country from the pickbox. Leave the field blank to include all countries. |
Country (Agent) |
The Country in which the agents are located. |
Country (Contact) |
The Country in which the contact is located. Select the required Country from the pickbox. Leave the field blank to include all countries. |
Created By |
Name of the user who created the potential. Select the required user name from the pickbox. Leave the field blank to include potentials created by all users. |
Created Date From/To |
Date range during which the potential was created. Accept the defaults or overtype the default with the desired Created From To Date range. |
Date From/To |
Date range for the report. The data fields all offer a calendar function for further selection. Date ranges can be determined for Activity date from/to Activity done date from/to Created date from/to (e.g. for a potential) Departure date from/to (for PMS accounts/agents) Plan date from/to (e.g. for a potential) Potential date Send date from/to Valid date from/to Enter the required date range or leave the fields empty to include all records irrespective of date. You can also just enter a From date OR a To date and leave the other field blank. |
Denied Reason |
When you change the status of a lead to 'denied', you are required to give a Reason for the denial. You can create a report of all leads that were denied for a certain reason. Examples of denied reasons are non-availability due to conferences/fairs, inflexibility of dates on clients' side, or insufficient conference space. Select the required Denied Reason from the pickbox. Leave the field blank to include all denied reasons. |
Department |
Department in which the contact person is working, e.g. Controlling, Marketing, IT, Project Management, etc. Select the required Department from the pickbox. Leave the field blank to include all departments. |
Done Date From/To (Activity) |
Date range for the done date of an activity i.e., the date on which an activity was marked as being completed. Accept the defaults or overtype the defaults with the desired Done Date From To range. |
HQ Total From/To |
The Grand Total revenue range for the headquarters. Enter the grand total revenue range which the report should cover in the From and To fields. The revenue figures should be in the currency used by the headquarter. |
Hotel |
The name of the Hotel for which the report should be generated. Select a Hotel from the pickbox. Leave the field blank to include all hotels. |
Hotel Brand |
In addition to geographic guest criteria you can also narrow down the search by geographic and other hotel criteria. You can locate such guests by filtering by brand. |
Hotel ID |
Filter by specific hotel i.e., select one or more hotels from the pickbox. |
Hotel Name |
The name of the Hotel for which the report should be generated. Select the required Hotel from the pickbox. Leave the field blank to include all hotels. |
Hotel Region |
Region in which the hotel is located. |
Hotel State |
State in which the hotel is located. |
Lead Status |
The Status of the lead e.g., contracted, denied, open, option, sent, etc. Select the required Lead Status from the pickbox. Leave the field blank to include all lead statuses. |
Month From/To |
Month range for the report. Enter the start month in the From field and the end month in the To field. If you want to generate a report for a specific month, enter the same month in both the From and To fields. Please enter month values in the format M or MM where applicable, e.g. January is “1”, April is “4”, December is “12, etc”. |
No. of Rooms From/To |
Number of Rooms the hotel has for occupancy. For example, if you want to display all hotels with 200 to 300 rooms in the chain, enter “200” in the From field and “300” in the To field. |
Period A from/to and Period B from/to |
For production comparison reports you have the option of selecting to comparison periods instead of just one. Select the required comparison ranges from the single picks. Per default, the system always suggests todays month and year compared to same period last year. |
Period Range from/ to yyyy/mm |
Production period range from/to. Select the required time range from the single picks. Per default, the system always suggests todays month and year compared to same period last year. |
Persons From/To |
Expected number of persons to show up for the potential booking. This is recorded in the Person field under potential details in NetHotel Sales. Enter the range of expected attendees for the potential booking. |
Plan Date From/To |
Date range during which the organizer will start to Plan the business deal associated with the potential. Accept the defaults or overtype the defaults with the desired from/to date range. |
Rate Code (Contract) |
The contracted Rate Code. Select the required Rate Code from the pickbox. Leave the field blank to include all rate codes. |
Region (Hotel) |
The Region in which the hotels are located, e.g. Asia Pacific, Middle East, and Europe. Select the required Region from the pickbox. Leave the field blank to include all regions. |
Result (Activity) |
The Result of the activity, e.g. client support, contract signed, complaint, follow up, etc. Select a Result from the pickbox. Leave the field blank to include all results. |
Sales Rep |
Sales Representative to whom the account belongs. Select a Sales Rep from the pickbox. Leave the field blank to include all sales reps. |
Sales Rep Team |
Sales Rep Team |
Status (Activity) |
The Status of the activity, e.g. open, in progress, done, etc. Select a Status from the pickbox. Leave the field blank to include all status options. |
Status (Contract) |
The Status of the contract, e.g. pending, contracted, lost, etc. Select a Status from the pickbox. Leave the field blank to include all status options. |
Status (Lead or Potential) |
The Status of the lead or potential, e.g. contracted, denied, open, option, sent, etc. Select the required Status from the pickbox. Leave the field blank to include all lead statuses. |
Show Top x (companies or agents) |
The top-performing “X” number of companies or agents you want to view in the report. |
Type (Activity) |
The Type of activity, e.g. visit, phone, fax, letter, etc. Select an activity type from the pickbox. Leave the field blank to include all activity types. |
Type (Contract) |
The Type of contract, e.g. allotment, individual, meeting, wholesaler, etc. Select a contract Type from the pickbox. Leave the field to include all types of contract. |
Type (Potential) |
The Type of potential, e.g. catering business, conference, group, incentive, individual, seminar, etc. Select the required potential Type from the pickbox. Leave the field blank to include all potential types. |
Zip Code From/To |
Alphanumeric Zip Code of the account/agent or contact. You can reduce the list of matching accounts or agents to a specific zip code range by entering the starting zip code in the From Zip Code field and the last zip code in the To Zip Code field. If you want to produce the report for one zip code only, enter the same zip code both in the From and the To fields. Usually, if nothing else is added, the system checks for the ZIP code of the account address. It is also possible to filter by contact ZIP code. |
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