Release Notes for v5.27 - August 05, 2021
Capture critical customer data: How did you hear about us?
The 'How did you hear about us?' question is one of the most fundamental feedback tools you can use to learn more about your customer base. Knowing how guests discover your brand will help you focus your marketing efforts on channels and audiences that will increase bookings.
In our upcoming release, we have enhanced our Web API to capture this data, which will be displayed in the GXM and the Preference Statistics Report. This enhancement will be deployed on August 09, 2021.
Should you wish to enable this feature for your newsletter or Member Portal, please send a request to
Following our release on August 9th, the NextGuest CRM will be moving to a new release cycle of every 6 weeks. This will replace our previous 4-week cycle. Our development team has been following Agile Development for more than 12 months and we continually review how we work to maximize the delivery of quality enhancements and minimize the introduction of new bugs. After a recent review it was decided that by extending the cycle to 6 weeks, the team can develop the planned work items for a full 4 weeks and in the extra 2 weeks, conduct thorough testing for the release, thus ensuring we maximize the available development time and deliver high quality releases.
Read on for more information about v5.27.
Customize Referral Sources
You'll find a new Pickgroup called "How Did You Hear About Us (+HDY)" in the Web Admin. Here, you can customize your referral sources such as Hotel Website, Search Engine or Hotel Booking Agency.
API Call Updates
The NewsletterSubscription call has been updated to allow the passing of the new +HDY Pickgroup and Pickgroup Item.
The MemberSetUpGet call has been updated to return the new +HDY Pickgroup and all the possible values for the Pickgroup Items.
A new feature will also be available for the MemberProfileCreate call.
Click here to jump to the updated API codes.
Preference Statistics Report Updates
If the +HDY Pickgroup is enabled for your properties, you'll be able to include it in the parameters of your Preference Statistics Report.
When the +HDY Pickgroup is included in the report, the report will show how guests' referral source selections fluctuate over time.
Click the + icon at the top of the report to reveal details by month.
Guest Experience Manager
Coming soon! The GXM will be enhanced in the 5.28 release to display guests' HDY responses at time of subscription sign-up. Stay tuned for details.
API Call Updates
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:api="">
<api:UserID> </api:UserID>
<api:Lastname>NXG QA last2</api:Lastname>
<api:Firstname>NXG QA fname1</api:Firstname>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
<NewsletterSubscriptionResponse xmlns="">
<NewsletterSubscriptionResult>200-Success (new profile '104127' created )</NewsletterSubscriptionResult>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:api="">
<CMAccess xmlns="">
<UserID> </UserID>
<MemberSetupGetResponse xmlns="">
<CMAccess xmlns="">
<UserID> </UserID>
<Description>Hotel Website</Description>
<Description>search engine</Description>
<Description>Hotel Booking Agency</Description>
NextGuest CRM Web Services API Specifications
Click the link below to download the technical documentation for all NextGuest CRM APIs.
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