Release Notes for v5.28 - September 15, 2021
There are so many terrific enhancements in our upcoming release, we could barely fit them in one email. From an entirely new report about future arrivals that will delight your front desk staff, to the ability to schedule automatic emails for reports in your chosen timeframe, these enhancements make the NextGuest CRM even more powerful and productive.
In this article
New Future Arrival Report
The new Future Arrival Report will be available in Central Reporting > Hotel Reports, and offers future arrival details for one or more properties for a specified date range. (Access to the report is determined by User Rights.)
If multiple hotels are selected, the report can be generated two ways:
- If the Summarize All Hotels box is ticked, all selected hotels will be shown in the same sheet.
- If it is not ticked, each hotel will appear on a separate tab.
Data fields included in the report
Loyalty Revenue Report Enhancement
Additional data has been added to the Loyalty Revenue Report to show a breakdown of Other Revenue by department. This report is available when:
- The Loyalty Module is in use.
- The data provided is available in the import to the CRM.
Scheduling Reports to Send via Email
It will now be possible to schedule any report available within the Central Reporting module to send via email. You can schedule ahead of time and choose its frequency. You can also run a report on-the-fly to send via email right away. You can still run a report on demand and export it via Excel.
For Central Reporting, defaults must be set for the From Email, Email From Name and Email Body. Existing customers should submit a request online at to have these default values populated and the relevant User Rights assigned. (This will automatically occur at the time of implementation for new customers).
Once setup is complete, a user can select a report and choose how it should be delivered:
- Export as Excel opens the report in Excel.
- Send via Email creates the report in the background and sends to the user's email address.
- Add New Schedule allows the user to choose the type of delivery and delivery parameters for the report:
- Ad-hoc Report, One-Time Execution, Daily, Specific Day of Month, First Weekday of Month, or Last Weekday of Month
Insert additional email addresses in the Create New Schedule form to send the report to multiple email addresses.
Reports that have been scheduled will appear on the Schedules tab with their corresponding details.
A new menu item called My Scheduled Reports has been added to Central Reporting that allows you to easily see what reports you have scheduled.
From My Scheduled Reports, you can select to run the report now or deactivate the report.
- A user can only schedule a report for a hotel for which they are authorized.
- If the permission has been granted, a user can see and manage schedules on behalf of another user. This is useful in the event that report schedules created by a user who has ceased to use the CRM must be cancelled.
Improved Insights: Campaign Success Report & Decision Maker Marketing Campaign Dashboard
In theory, a reservation could match multiple campaigns. However, Analyzer and Decision Maker match each reservation to only one campaign. Otherwise, it would be impossible to create summaries for values such as ADR. In the event that one reservation is associated with multiple campaigns, the revenue attributed to that reservation is included in the Campaign Success revenue/nights value for every campaign it is associated with.
Now, to help you better understand your revenue attribution and campaign success, we’ve added a Weighted revenue/nights value to the Campaign Success Report. In this value, the revenue from a reservation is only associated with the campaign with the closest Campaign Created Date and included only once in the value, giving you improved insight into your campaign success.
Choose which Pick Groups Display in GXM
Following the enhancement in our last release to capture ‘How Did You Hear About Us,’ we've now added a new setting which allows you to determine which pick groups will display in GXM, if you don't want all of them displayed.
Existing customers can submit a request online at that only specific pick groups appear. (This will automatically occur at the time of implementation for new customers). If the parameter is not set, all configured pick groups will display.
When the parameter has been configured (by Cendyn here: Web Admin > System > Application > GXM) like this:
the display in GXM will reflect this:
Filter Campaign Data by Geographical Area in Campaign Driver
In Decision Maker > Campaign Driver, you will now be able to draw a geographical area of interest on the B2C Guest List to use as a filter for the data and within Campaign Driver.
How to Draw an Area of Interest
Select multiple data points within a map using the rectangular lasso. While holding down the Ctrl key, click and drag within the map to select multiple data points. When releasing the mouse button, all points overlapping the selection rectangle are selected, and any previous lasso selections are also preserved. Selecting an area that incorporates previously selected points using Ctrl while selecting, will unselect those data points (toggled off); using the lasso has the same effect as Ctrl-clicking each point individually.
When you use the Shift key while making a lasso selection, previous selections are preserved, and already-selected data points remain selected. So, using Shift while performing a lasso-select only adds data points to your selection, rather than toggling data points in the selected area.
You can clear your current selection by clicking an empty space on the plot area without pressing a keyboard key.
It is a known Microsoft limitation that only 3,500 data points can be selected. This does not mean that only 3,500 profiles can be selected, but rather relates to how many ZIP location points can be selected. It is therefore advised to consider the type of search you want prior to drawing an area. For example, if you wish to target all guests in Germany, select Germany from the country list. However, if you want to select a specific city or group of cities, drawing the area would be suitable.
SIHOT Import Improvement
We've updated our SIHOT integration to better accommodate how customers use the SIHOT PMS. When importing data, we will now use either salesCategoryCode or priceCategoryCode to display the room type booked by the guest, depending on which value our customer uses.
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