If you have multiple hotels assigned to your Revintel profile, you can create custom portfolios. Custom portfolios allow corporate or regional users to combine hotels into a single view for several reports. This wider perspective can be very useful for area marketing managers, for example, who deploy regional marketing promotions and can use this feature to gauge impact on their mini portfolios. Read on to learn how to create custom portfolios and their practical uses.
Revintel reports of custom portfolios reflect aggregate data for all the hotels within the portfolio. This applies to Rate Code and other data points, such as Market Segment, Company Profile, Agency Profile and Channels.
For example, let's say you create a custom portfolio called "Purple Portfolio" which contains Hotel Red and Hotel Blue. Hotel Red sold 10 rooms and Hotel Blue sold 20 Rooms. A performance report would show a total of 30 rooms sold for Purple Portfolio, assuming that Hotel Red and Hotel Blue use identical rate codes. When hotels use different data for the same fields (i.e., Hotel Red uses "COR-Purple" while Hotel Blue uses "C-Purple" for the same rate code), Revintel cannot aggregate that data.
Revintel has a separate group of Portfolio reports that breaks out production/performance by portfolio hotel/property. Returning to the example above, these reports would show data for Hotel Red and Hotel Blue on two separate rows within the same report.
These reports are found under the Portfolio tab and are only available to those with the Corporate User role.

How to create a custom portfolio
Log in to Revintel and access User Preferences
Click the User Icon in the upper right corner and select User Preferences.
Select Portfolio
At the top left of the opened window click Portfolio.
Add a new portfolio
Under the User Box, click on Add New Portfolio.
Enter portfolio name and description
In the Add Portfolios box, enter your new custom portfolio name. It is recommended that you do not use special characters (i.e., $, %, &, *). You can also add an optional description for the portfolio.
Select hotels for your new custom portfolio
Use the arrows to move the hotels you want included in this portfolio from Available Hotels to Selected Hotels.
Save your custom portfolio
Scroll to the bottom and click Save.
Practical uses for custom portfolios
Select your portfolio as a report parameter
In the report parameters, when you select the Portfolio radio button, the Hotel/Portfolio drop-down list appears containing all your custom portfolios.
Leverage custom portfolios when reviewing aggregate performance amongst a collection of hotels/properties
- The Portfolio view of a report allows you to analyze aggregate performance of a group of hotels/properties and is most often used by corporate, regional or area managers.
- Utilize the Pace Report (Revintel Reports > Booking Trends > Pace Report) to analyze pace performance for a group of hotels vs a comparison period. The report will appear similar to a Hotel view of the report, but the title of the report will highlight your custom portfolio and the data will be an aggregate from the hotels you included in your custom portfolio. This report provides Market Segment, Channel and Room Type Pace. Quickly identify what areas of the business are opportunities for the custom portfolio.
- If there is a particular promotion/rate strategy that is similarly loaded across your portfolio of hotels, you can review the Rate Code Pace Report to see how the rate code is performing collectively in the portfolio vs a comparison period.
- Analyze the Channel Pace Analysis Report if a particular Channel Marketing effort has been deployed for a collection of hotels. Review impact on pace for the portfolio.
- Sales Team members, with access to multiple hotels, can create a custom portfolio and review the Agency Analysis Report to see which agencies have the highest production across the portfolio. Note that some agencies may only be producing at one hotel.
- If a group of hotels are looking to deploy a collective brand promotion, perhaps reviewing the Custom Portfolio view for the Length of Stay Report (Reports > Booking Trends > Length of Stay Report) or the Lead Time Report (Reports > Booking Trends > Rooms Lead Time) could help identify if a LOS restriction on promotion should be applied and/or when best to deploy the promotion/offer for the target date range.
Custom portfolios allow multi-hotel users to analyze their business in a different way. This feature is helpful when a group of hotels have a similar setup and you can review aggregate performance to drive regional/area strategic discussions.
Great Article !
Thanks @...!
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