Utilize the URL Management module to set up internal redirect URLs from brand.com or create domain verification links.
URL Management Dashboard
All redirected URLs are listed in the URL Management Dashboard.
Select the URL Title or select the Edit icon in the Action column to edit an existing URL.
Create a New Rewrite Rule
Select New Rewrite Rule or click the + icon in the top right corner.
Complete the applicable fields in the New Rewrite Rule form:
- Redirect Entry Path: Specify the original URL, the one you want to redirect from, in this field.
- Redirect Target: Enter the destination URL, the page you want visitors to be directed to, in this field.
- Browse Pages (Optional): You can also use the Browse Pages button to select redirect target if redirecting to an internal page.
- Redirect Type: Choose between 301 (permanent redirect) and 302 (temporary redirect). See below for more information on redirect types.
- Description: For internal reference, provide an optional description of this redirect rule in this field.
- Target Audience: If the Content Personalization Engine is enabled, you can restrict this redirect rule to a specific audience by creating an audience in the engine and selecting it here.
- Published: To enable or disable this redirect rule, check or uncheck this box.
- Is Regex?: Indicate whether the redirect applies to a pattern of characters by checking this box. When checked, the rule will appear on the Patterns/Regex tab; when unchecked, it will appear in the URL Management tab.
301 vs 302 Redirects
- 301: The preferred redirect type, a 301 redirect indicates a permanent relocation of a URL. It effectively transfers link equity and SEO value from the original URL to the redirected URL.
- 302: A 302 redirect signifies a temporary redirection of a URL. It is only recommended in rare instances, as link equity and SEO value are not passed to the redirected URL and are instead lost.
Use One Redirect Rule to Redirect Multiple URLs
You can redirect all variations of an entry path URL to a target URL using a capture group. The capture group, shown as "(.*)" below, captures all variations at the end of the changing URL.
For example, if you want to rename your Special Offers page from "/specials" to "/offers", you can use a redirect rule with a capture group, as shown below. This will redirect all variations of URLs starting with "/specials/" to the new "/offers/" path, ensuring visitors reach the updated Special Offers page whenever they try to visit the old URL.
If you are creating a static redirect rule ("ABC" URL is redirected to "XYZ" URL), you must include “http://” in the Redirect Entry Path and Redirect Target fields. However, if you are creating a Patterns/Regex rule, where variations of characters found in a URL are redirected, you do not need to include “http://”, in the Redirect Entry Path or Redirect Target fields.
Domain Verification Links
Domain verification is the process of proving ownership of a domain to external services like Google or Apple Pay. These services often require a specific file to be placed in the root directory of your website to confirm that you control the domain.
- To add a domain verification file to a site, navigate to the URL Management module and select Domain Verification Links.
- To add a new file, either select New Domain Verification Link or the plus sign.
- Enter the desired entry path (e.g., /well-known/slug-here) and input the file/data that needs to be displayed.
- The content entered will be rendered as plain text on the webpage.
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