Amenities are useful features that make a guest stay more pleasant, comfortable and memorable.
They can include facilities, services or appliances and are categorized as follows:
- Property amenities (available for the whole property such a s free Wifi)
- Common amenities (available in all rooms such as mini-bar)
- Specific amenities (for selected room types such as jacuzzi)
Adding an Amenity
Navigate to Property Management > Amenities
At least one amenity in each type must be added for a GDS-enabled property. The Category and Amenity options are for GDS-enabled properties only.
- Click on + Add an Amenity
- Select the Category, then the related Amenity from the second dropdown option
- Enter a name from the amenity
- Select of Include In Rate if there is no extra charge for a guest selecting the amenity
- Select the Amenity Type
- Upload a small and a large icon and save your changes
This is how amenities are displayed on the IBE:
Editing or deleting an Amenity
In the menu Property Management > Amenities, click on Edit or Delete next to an amenity to make changes or to remove it.
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