The Daily Activity report highlights the total current activity on the books for specific stay dates in the future. It is ideal as a quick reference during a recommendation review for a stay date's current statistics.
Report Columns
- Hotel: The ID or property code for the property.
- Inventory Date: The calendar date of the Inventory Date.
- DOW (Day of Week): The day of the week of the Inventory Date.
- Days Left: The difference between the Arrival Date and Capture Date.
- Room Category: Grouping of Room Types; one of the four attributes used for defining the Revenue Management Product.
Only included when Detail box is checked on Criteria > Room Category. Same as described in Casino Block Analysis Report. - Customer Segment: The individual Customer Segments client has defined for revenue management purposes.
Only included when Detail box is checked on Criteria > Customer Segment. - Has Event: Indicates with a P (property) or S (segment) whether an event has been identified for this Inventory Date.
- Has Offer: Indicates with an O whether an offer has been identified for this Inventory Date, rate segment or room category.
- Notes: Indicates with an asterisk (*) whether a note has been identified for this Inventory Date.
- Cur Cas Blk: A block of rooms currently allocated as a true group for the casino segment.
- Cur Cas RmNts: The number of rooms of the current casino block that have been sold.
- Curr Grp Blk (Current Group Block): The number of rooms blocked for groups.
- Curr Grp RmNts (Current Group Sold): The number of rooms sold to groups.
- Curr Grp Avail (Current Group Available): The number of rooms available for sale from those blocked for groups (Current Group Block - Current Group Sold).
- Curr RmNts (Current Transient Sold): The current number of rooms sold from transient customer segments for a specific Inventory Date.
- Curr Total RmNts (Current Total Sold): The total number of rooms sold including group and transient sold (Current Group Sold + Current Transient Sold).
- Total Avg LOS (Total Average Length of Stay): Average length of stay for all rooms sold (includes stay-throughs).
- Curr Arvls (Current Transient Arrivals): The current number of net transient arrivals for a specific Inventory Date.
- Avg Arvls LOS (Average Arrivals Length of Stay): The average length of stay for arrivals checking in that day.
- Off the Market: The number of rooms that are out of order and not available for sale.
- Curr Total Avail (Current Total Available): The total number of rooms that could possibly be sold for a specific Inventory Day. This is equal to the actual capacity minus out of service minus manager held.
- Curr Total Comm (Current Total Committed): The number of rooms already committed [transient sold + max. (group blocked, group sold or group override)].
- Hotel Rev (Transient Hotel Revenue): The total revenue from transient guests including stay-throughs.
- Grp Hotel Rev (Group Hotel Revenue): The total revenue from group guests including stay-throughs.
- Total Hotel Rev (Total Hotel Revenue): The total revenue from guests (transient + group) including stay-throughs (Transient hotel revenue + group hotel revenue).
- Non-room Value (Transient Gaming and/or other Customer Value): The total value of gaming/other non-room spend from transient guests including stay-throughs.
- Grp Non-room Value (Group Gaming and/or Customer Value): The total value of gaming/other non-room spend from group guests including stay-throughs. Gaming value applies only to groups that have known players and tracked play.
- Total Non-room Value (Total Gaming or Customer Value): The total value of gaming/other value from guests (transient + group) including stay-throughs.
- Total Value: The total value (hotel revenue + non-room spend) from guests (transient + group) including stay-throughs.
- ADR (Transient Hotel Average Daily Rate): The average daily rate for transient guests (transient hotel revenue/transient rooms sold).
- GRP Hotel ADR (Group Hotel Average Daily Rate): The average daily rate for group guests (group hotel revenue/group rooms sold) including stay-throughs.
- ADO (Transient Average Daily Value from non-room spend): The average daily non-room value from transient guests (transient other value/transient rooms sold).
- GRP ADO (Group Average Daily Value from non-room spend): The average daily non-room value from group guests (group other value/group sold) including stay-throughs.
- Total ADR (Hotel Average Daily Rate): The average daily rate for all guests [(transient hotel revenue + group hotel revenue) / (transient rooms sold + group rooms sold)].
- Total ADO (Average Daily Value from non-room spend): The average daily non-room value from guests including stay-throughs.
- Total POR (Total Per Room Sold): The average value of hotel revenue and other spend for all guests [(transient hotel revenue + group hotel revenue + transient other value + group other value) / (transient rooms sold + group rooms sold)].
- Hotel Rev PAR (Hotel Revenue Per Available Room): This is the total hotel revenue / available rooms.
- Non-room PAR (Gaming/Other Customer value Per Available Room): This is the total non-room value / available rooms.
- Total PAR (Total Per Available Room. Total Revenue Per Available Room): This is the (total room revenue + total other value) / available rooms and is a key metric for evaluating overall revenue performance.
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